Publisher: Pergamon Press
Number Of Pages: 5300
Publication Date: 2000-07-01
Number Of Pages: 5300
Publication Date: 2000-07-01
Comprehensive Composite Materials provides a unique central reference source for scientists and technologists in the field of composites research. The work covers key aspects of naturally occurring and synthetic composite materials, including history, reinforcements, matrix materials, mechanical properties, physical properties, theory, structural design, structural analysis, manufacturing processes, quality assurance, test methods, applications, recycling and disposal. Classes of materials covered include polymer matrix composites, metal matrix composites, ceramic matrix composites, carbon/carbon composites, and cement and concrete composites. The work also covers smart materials as they relate to composites, including process monitoring, embedded sensors and actuators, and damage detection.
Volume 1: Fiber Reinforcements and General Theory of Composites
This volume begins with an introduction in Chapter 1 by the Editors-in-Chief. They provide an outline of the scope and content of the Work as well as a historical perspective of composite materials. The bulk of the Volume is devoted to two basic aspects of composites: reinforcement materials (Chapters 2-12) and general theories (Chapters 13-25).
The coverage of reinforcement materials focuses mostly on fiber materials, with one chapter reviewing reinforcements in the form of whiskers and particulates. Extensive presentations of the state of fiber technology and their performance are given for carbon fibers (polyacrylonitrile and pitch based), boron fibers, silicon carbide fibers (manufactured by chemical vapor deposition) and organometallic pyrolysis), oxide fibers, aramid fibers, glass fibers, high density polyethylene fibers, polyamide and polyester fibers, and natural organic fibers.
The coverage of general theories begins with the morphological characterization, and the thermo-elastic and inelastic behaviors of continuous and discontinuous fiber composites. They form the basis of treatment for lamination theory, and wave propagation in composite plates and shells. These are then followed by detailed reviews of strength analysis, with a particular emphasis on the statistical approach. The Volume ends with a treatment of the fracture and toughening mechanisms, and the mechanics of textile structural composites.
Volume 2: Polymer Matrix Composites
This volume deals with properties and manufacturing processes of composites with polymeric matrices. Comprehensive treatment is given to properties of thermosetting resins, thermoplastics and elastomers, and composite systems based on these. Individual chapters are devoted to glass fiber reinforced plastics, carbon fiber reinforced plastics, aramid fiber reinforced plastics, high density polyethelene composites, hybrids and sandwiches, and particulate and short-fiber composites. The mechanisms of deformation and failure that are characteristic of these composite systems are then treated in separate chapters on viscoelasticity and aging, moisture uptake, matrix cracking, delamination and fatigue. Since the properties of composites are closely related to microstructure, an extensive treatment of microstructural characterization is given.
Depending on the application and the polymeric matrix, thermoset or thermoplastic, a wide range of manufacturing processes exist. Following an overview of the manufacturing processes, the impregnation and consolidation processes as well as preparation of semifinished products are treated. Individual chapters are devoted to prepregging and autoclaving, and open mold, compression molding, liquid impregnation and continuous molding techniques. The practical aspects of joining, machining and repair of composites are then treated. Finally, a variety of topics of importance to industrial application of composites, such as selection of manufacturing routes and life cycle considerations are discussed.
Volume 3: Metal Matrix Composites
Metal matrix composites (MMCs) have been the subject of intensive research and development work, particularly over the past dozen or so years, and are now being exploited in a range of commercial applications. This volume consists of 31 chapters, divided into eight sections, which deal with all aspects of the production, constitution, properties and applications of MMCs. The sections cover a general introduction (one chapter), microstructural aspects (two chapters), damage, fracture and fatigue performance (six chapters), layered metal composite systems (three chapters), thermal effects and high temperature behavior (four chapters), environmental performance of MMCs, ie their resistance to oxidation, corrosion and wear (three chapters), production and processing (six chapters) and a final section on types of MMC system and the current situation with regard to their industrial usage (six chapters).
The 44 authors represent a cross-section of the people most active worldwide in research and development on MMCs. They are drawn from many of the universities, industrial research laboratories and government-supported research institutes which are at the forefront of work on metal-based composites. All of the chapters have been specially commissioned for the Volume, which at publication will be the most authoritative and comprehensive documentation yet produced on this important class of composite material.
Volume 4: Carbon/Carbon, Cement and Ceramic Matrix Composites
This volume covers fundamental and practical aspects of the properties and preparation of composites having carbon, cement or ceramic matrices in combination with a wide range of reinforcements and second phases having both fibrous and non-fibrous morphology. Mechanical, physical and chemical properties are considered as well as applications.
In the main, the Volume is separated into chapters concerned with fundamental models of composite properties, chapters concerned with real, experimentally-based behaviour and chapters concerned with composite preparation. However, certain chapters consider both preparation and properties together where this is considered more appropriate and in particular where properties are closely linked to the mode of preparation. While the treatment of fundamentals is general, emphasis is placed on issues relevant to this type of composite, for example, interface design and the role of matrices that are brittle and elastic at moderate temperatures and that creep at elevated temperatures. The volume consists of twenty eight chapters with special attention being paid to coordination of the contents both within the Volume and with other volumes in the collection.
Volume 5: Test Methods, Nondestructive Evaluation and Smart Composites
Volume 5 deals with three distinct topics: Testing of Composite Materials, Nondestructive Evaluation of Composite Materials, and Smart Composites. Each section consists of several chapters that treat contemporary topics in each of these topical areas. These chapters were written by experts in each technical area and each addresses problems associated with the design, testing, inspection, and usage of composite materials. While the preponderance of examples is based on polymer matrix composites, the techniques discussed are applicable to both metal and ceramic matrix materials.
These articles represent the state-of-the-art at the end of the 20th century. Many examples come from research and engineering on military systems, but the applications of composite materials to consumer goods are discussed where possible. To be useful for future readers, each author has provided extensive reference material at the end of each chapter. One particular area that deserves note is the recent incorporation of microelectronic devices into composite structures, giving them electronic functionality. This is of particular significance to the section on smart materials since in situ sensing, processing and activation, will provide new classes of composite materials whose capability is not yet completely visualized.
Volume 6: Design and Applications
Introduction; Commercial and Aerospace/Defense Applications; Multifunctional Composites; Aerospace; Land Transportation; Marine; Civil Engineering; Industrial; Military; Electronic; Biomedical; Sports and Leisure