كيمياء حيوية Collagen Structure and Mechanics


مشرف بالجامعة


Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 510
Publication Date: 2008-05-30

Collagen: Structure and Mechanics provides a cohesive introduction to this biological macromolecule and its many applications in biomaterials and tissue engineering .
Graduate students and postdoctoral researchers in the fields of materials, (bio-)engineering, physics, chemistry and biology will gain an understanding of the structure and mechanical behavior of type I collagen and collagen-based tissues in vertebrates, across all length scales from the molecular (nano) to the organ (macro) level. Written in a clear and didactic manner, this volume includes current knowledge on the hierarchical structure, mechanical properties, in addition to a review of deformation and strengthening mechanisms.
Collagen: Structure and Mechanics is an excellent reference for new researchers entering this area and serves as a basis for lecturing in the interdisciplinary field of biological materials science


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