كيمياء غير عضوية Properties, Processing and Applications of Gallium Nitride and Related Semiconductors


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Properties, Processing and Applications of Gallium Nitride and Related Semiconductors
James H. Edgar, Samuel Strite, Isamu Akasaki, Hiroshi Amano, Christian Wetzel


Publisher: Institution of Electrical Engineers
Number Of Pages: 830
Publication Date: 1999

Research on GaN together with the related semiconductors AlN, InN and ternary semiconductors (e.g. AlGaN) has been growing at an exponential rate following recent breakthroughs in the realisation of blue emission. This book presents the very latest insight into and numeric data on the properties together with information on processing and exploitation in LEDs, lasers and transistors. Its wide international authorship (some 100 invited contributors from USA, Europe, Japan and elsewhere), rapid compilation time and rigorous refereeing make this a unique, authoritative and up-to-date reference source.


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