Pdf2Cad 6.0 برنامج تحويل الرسومات الهندسية


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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

Pdf2Cad 6.0 برنامج تحويل الرسومات الهندسية


pdf2cad converts vector PDF engineering drawings into the DXF format for import as scalable and editable objects in AutoCAD®, UniGraphics®, Microstation® and other CAD, CAM and CNC systems.
Today, more and more organizations in Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Manufacturing, are storing and receiving designs, schematics, floor-plans and other technical drawings in the Adobe® PDF file format.
CAD engineers, CNC operators, partners and supply chain members need to be able to view, test, edit or re-use the geometry locked inside these documents.

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  • Pdf2Cad 6.0 برنامج تحويل الرسومات الهندسية.txt
    462 بايت · المشاهدات: 1,091
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