كيمياء فيزيائية The Properties of Gases and Liquids; 5th. Edition


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The Properties of Gases and Liquids (5th. Edition)
by Bruce E. Poling John M. Prausnitz John P. O'Connell


Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
Number Of Pages: 768
Publication Date: 2000-11-06

Must-have reference for processes involving liquids, gases, and mixtures
Reap the time-saving, mistake-avoiding benefits enjoyed by thousands of chemical and process design engineers, research scientists, and educators. Properties of Gases and Liquids, Fifth Edition, is an all-inclusive, critical survey of the most reliable estimating methods in use today --now completely rewritten and reorganized by Bruce Poling, John Prausnitz, and John O’Connell to reflect every late-breaking development. You get on-the-spot information for estimating both physical and thermodynamic properties in the absence of experimental data with this property data bank of 600+ compound constants. Bridge the gap between theory and practice with this trusted, irreplaceable, and expert-authored expert guide -- the only book that includes a critical analysis of existing methods as well as hands-on practical recommendations. Areas covered include pure component constants; thermodynamic properties of ideal gases, pure components and mixtures; pressure-volume-temperature relationships ; vapor pressures and enthalpies of vaporization of pure fluids; fluid phase equilibria in multicomponent systems ; viscosity; thermal conductivity; diffusion coefficients; and surface tension.


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