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Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science
University of Richmond
Like all Schaum’s Outline Series books, this volume is intended to be used primarily for self
study, preferably in conjunction with a regular course in C++ programming language or
computer science. However, it is also well-suited for use in independent study or as a reference.
The book includes over 200 examples and solved problems. The author firmly believes that
the principles of data structures can be learned from a well-constructed collection of examples
with complete explanations. This book is designed to provide that support.
C++ was created by Bjarne Stroustrup in the early 1980s. Based upon C and Simula, it is
now one of the most popular languages for object-oriented programming. The language was
standardized in 1998 by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International
Standards Organization (ISO). This new ANSI/ISO Standard includes the powerful Standard
Template Library (STL). This book conforms to these standards.
Although most people who undertake to learn C++ have already had some previous
programming experience, this book assumes none. It approaches C++ as one’s first programming
language. Therefore, those who have had previous experience may need only skim the first few
C++ is a difficult language for at least two reasons. It inherits from the C language an
economy of expression that novices often find cryptic. And as an object-oriented language, its
widespread use of classes and templates presents a formidable challenge to those who have not
thought in those terms before. It is the intent of this book to provide the assistance necessary for
first-time programmers to overcome these obstacles.
I wish to thank all my friends, colleagues, students, and the McGraw-Hill staff who have
helped me with the critical review of this manuscript, including John Aliano, Arthur Biderman,
Francis Minhthang Bui, Al Dawson, Peter Dailey, Mohammed El-Beltagy, Gary Galvez, Libbie
Geiger, Sergei Gorlatch, Chris Hanes, John B. Hubbard, Raana Jeelani, Dick Palas, Blake Puhak,
Arni Sigurjonsson, Andrew Somers, Joe Troncale, Maureen Walker, Stefan Wentzig, and Nat
Withers. Their editorial advice and debugging skills are gratefully appreciated.
Special thanks to my wife and colleague, Anita H. Hubbard, for her advice, enco