كيمياء حيوية Models, Mysteries, and Magic of Molecules


مشرف بالجامعة
Models, Mysteries, and Magic of Molecules
by Jan C.A. Boeyens, J.F. Ogilvie


Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 514
Publication Date: 2007-12-20

Molecular behavior, which is no less than magical, holds the key to the understanding, not only of chemistry , but of all biology and of life itself. It is a mystery why molecular behavior should remain poorly understood and why the authoritative theories of physics have produced no more than superficial models to elucidate this vital issue.
An interdisciplinary international team of experts came together to document and to probe various aspects of these fundamental questions and their startling conclusions confirm the need for a fresh look at the physical sciences with a view to better understand the mysteries and magic of molecules. This book explores the common ground to guide chemists, biologists, crystallographers, spectroscopists and theorists into a deeper recognition of their individual relevance towards [ painting a holistic picture of scientific endeavor. This effort to stimulate interest in multidisciplinary research is rare, if not unique.


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