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particleIllusion 3.0
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Wondertouch - Particleillusion ver. 3.01A by Paradox
Posted By: gatopaco | Date: 27 Nov 2006 17:23 | Comments: 4

Wondertouch - Particleillusion ver. 3.01A
App: Graphics | 25 Mb | Include Manual 3.01 | Rs.com

ParticleIllusion is a 2D particle effects application. With it you add visual effects to 3D animation, video, and images. It is not a plug-in, but a standalone program. This makes it possible to use it with the output of any 3D application, video files, or still images. Using OpenGL hardware acceleration it gives you real-time feedback on all changes you make, and gives you incredible control to create hundreds or thousands of different visual effects.

Changes Version 3.0.1a:
Bug Fixes – When 3.0.1 was run on a system that did not have 3.0 on it, or when the “reset default settings” option was used in 3.0.1, the program might not ever be usable again – it could crash at startup every time it was run.

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