الفيزياء الرياضية كتاب في الفيزياء الرياضية الحديثة Operator Theory, Analysis and Mathematical Physic


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هذا الكتاب يتكلم عن كيفية وجود المؤثرات في العلوم الفيزيائية وعن نظرية المؤثرات (operators) عكس الفيزياء الكلاسيكية

Operator Theory, Analysis and Mathematical Physics (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications)
Publisher:Birkhäuser Basel (2007-04-19) | ISBN-10: 3764381345 | PDF | 7.3 Mb | 257 pages

This volume contains lectures delivered by the participants of the International Conference Operator Theory and its Applications in Mathematical Physics (OTAMP 2004), held at the Mathematical Research and Conference Center in Bedlewo near Poznan, Poland. The idea behind these lectures was to present interesting ramifications of operator methods in current research of mathematical physics. The main topics are functional models of non-selfadjoint operators, spectral properties of Dirac and Jacobi matrices, Dirichlet-to-Neumann techniques, Lyapunov exponents methods, and inverse spectral problems for quantum graphs.



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Samko.S.G,Kilbas.A.A,and O.I.Marichev.Fractional integrals and dérivatives , théory and applications. Gordon and Breach , Amesterdam 1993.

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