وجدت بعض المصطلحات التركية الاكثر حاجة نحن لها
Acil: Urgent
Açamýyorum: I cannot open.
Açýk: Open (adj.)
Açýklama: Explanation.
Açýlýyor: It opens, it is opening.
Açýlmýyor: It does not open.
Açmak için: In order to open.
Açmayýn: Do not open.
Açtým: I opened.
Ad: Name
Adý: The name of...
Adým: Step. My name (contextual).
Adres: address, link, URL
Aldým: I took it. I received it.
Aldýnýz mý? Did you receive/take it?
Alýntý: Quote. Extract.
Altý: Six.
Ama: But.
Ana sayfa: Main page.
Anket: Poll
Anladým: I understood.
Anlamadým: I did not understand.
Anlaþýldý: It is understood.
Aradýðým: The one I seek/look for.
Aradýðýnýz bu kitap mý?: Is this the book you are looking for?
Arka kapak: Back cover.
Arka: Back.
Arkadaþ: Friend
Arkasýnda: At the back.
Aþaðýda: Below.
Ayar: Setting.
Ayarlar: Settings.
Ayný þey: The same thing.
Ayný: Same.
Az: Few. Little.
Baðlantý: Connection.
Baðlantý: Relation, link.
Bakým: Maintenance.
Baþarýlý: Successful.
Baþarýsýz: Unsuccessful.
Baþladý: It started.
Baþlýk: Heading.
Bazen: Sometimes.
Bedava: Free of charge.
Ben: I.
Benzer: Similar.
Beþ: Five.
Bilgi: Information.
Bilgisayar: PC, computer.
Bilim: Science.
Biliyorum: I know.
Bilmiyorum: I don’t know.
Bir daha: One more time. Once again.
Bir: One.
Biraz: A little, some.
Birazdan: In a short while.
Birinci: First.
Biz: We.
Boyut: Size, dimension.
Bozuk: Broken. Kaput.
Bölüm: Part. Chapter.
Bu konuda: In this matter. Under this heading.
Bu: This.
Bugün: Today.
Bulabilir misiniz lütfen?: Could you please find?
Bunlar: These.
Burada: Here.
Büyük: Big, large.
Cevabý: The reply of/to...
Cevap: Answer, reply. (n.)
Cilt: Volume (of books). Book binding.
Cover: Kapak.
Çabuk: Quick.
Çalýþýyor: It works.
Çalýþmýyor: It does not work.
Çevrimdýþý: Offline.
Çevrimiçi: Online.
Çýkarýn: Take (it) out. Extract. (imperative)
Çok: Much. Very.
Çözüm: Solution.
Çünkü: Because.
Daha: More.
Daha önce: Previously.
Dahil: Including.
Deðil: It is not.
Deneyiniz: Please try.
Dergi: Magazine. Journal.
Ders: Lesson. Lecture.
Dýþýnda, Dýþarýda: Outside.
Dikkat: Achtung.
Dikkatle: With care.
Dikkatli: Careful.
Diyor: It says.
Dizin: Index. Directory.
Doðru: Correct.
Doktora: Doctorate. To the doctor (contextual)
Dokuz: Nine.
Dosya bulunamadý: File could not be found.
Dosya: File.
Dosyasý: The file of...
Dört: Four.
Düðme: Button.
Dün: Yesterday.
Ebat: Size.
Ediyorum: I am doing/rendering...
Ekran: Screen.
Eksik dosya: Missing file.
Eksik: Missing, incomplete.
Elimde: In my hand. In my possession.
Eski: Old.
Evet: Yes.
Fakat: But.
Faydalý: Useful.
Fazla: More. Much.
Geçmiþ: Past.
Geliþmiþ: Advanced, developed.
Genel: General.
Gerekiyor: It is required, essential.
Gerekli: Essential.
Gereksinim: Need.
Gýda: Food.
Gibi: Such as.
Görünmüyor: Invisible.
Görüntü: Image, appearance.
Göster: Show (imperative, v.)
Gün: Day.
Günaydýn: Good morning.
Günler: Days.
Güzel: Fine. Beautiful.
Hacim: Volume (measurement unit).
Hakkýnda: About.
Hariç: Excluding.
Harika: Wonderful.
Hata mesajý veriyor: It gives an error message.
Hata: Error.
Hayýr: No.
Hemen: Right away.
Hepsi: All.
Herkes: Everybody.
Hýz: Speed.
Hýzlý: Fast.
Hiç: None.
Hiçbiri: None.
Hocam: Literally "my teacher". How the academicians and medical doctors are sometimes reverently addressed.
Hoþgeldiniz: Welcome to...
Ýçin: For.
Ýçinde, Ýçeride: Inside.
Ýçindekiler: Contents.
Ýhtiyacým var: I have the need.
Ýhtiyaç: Need.
Ýki: Two.
Ýkisi: Both of them.
Ýlaç: Medicine. Medication. Drug.
Ýleri: Forward. Advanced.
Ýlgili: About.
Ýlk: First.
Ýndir: Download it (imperative, v.).
Ýngilizce: English.
Ýsim: Name.
Ýsmi: The name of...
Ýsmim: My name.
Ýstekleri: The requests of...
Ýstemiyorum: I do not want.
Ýstiyor musunuz? Would you want?
Ýstiyorum: I want.
Ýþ: Business. Work. Labor.
Ýþaret: Sign, indication.
Ýþlev: Function.
Ýyi geceler: Good night.
Ýyi: Good.
Kaç?: How many?
Kapalý: Closed.
Katký: Contribution. Addition (in food context).
Kaynak: Source.
Kelime: Word.
Kýrýk: Broken.
Kýrmýzý: Red.
Kýsa: Short.
Kim?: Who?
Kimler? Who? (plural)
Kitabý: The book of...
Kitap: Book.
Klasör: Folder.
Klavye: Keyboard.
Kontrol paneli: Control panel.
Konu baþlýðý: Subject heading.
Konu: Subject.
Kopyalayýn: Copy it.
Kök: Root.
Kötü: Bad.
Kurallar: Rules.
Küçük: Small.
Lazým: It is needed.
Link düzeltildi: The link is corrected.
Link ölü, link ölmüþ: The link is dead.
Link silinmiþ: The link is erased, deleted.
Link yenilendi: The link is renewed.
Lisans: Graduate degree. License.
Lisansüstü: Postgraduate degree.
Lütfen: Please.
Maddde: Matter. Item. Material.
Makale: Article, as in a book.
Makalesi: The article of...
Masaüstü: Desktop.
Merak ediyorum: I am curious.
Merhaba: Hello.
Mesaj: Message.
Mesajý: The message of...
Mevcut: It is present, it exists.
Mutlu: Happy.
Müellif: Writer, copyright holder.
Mühendis: Engineer.
Mühendislik: Engineering.
Mükemmel: Perfect.
Nasýl?: How?
Nasýlsýn?: How are you?
Ne?: What?
Neden?: Why? Cause.
Nedir? What is it?
Niçin?: Why?
Numara: Number.
O: He/she/it.
O: That.
Okunmuyor: Illegible.
Okuyamýyorum: I cannot read.
Okuyorum: I am reading.
Okuyunuz: Read it (imperative, n.).
Oldu: Okay. It happened. It became.
On: Ten.
Onlar: Those.
Orada: Over there.
Orta: Middle.
Ortadaki: In the middle.
Oyun: Game.
Öðrenci: Student.
Ölmüþ: Dead.
Ölü: Dead.
Önce: Before.
Önceki: Previous.
Öneri: Suggestion.
Örnek: Example. Sample.
Özel: Private.
Özür dilerim, kusura bakma: I apologize.
Para: Money.
Paralý: Requires payment. Not free.
Parola: Password.
Paylaþýr mýsýn?: Would you share?
Paylaþým: Sharing
Paylaþým için teþekkürler: Thanks for sharing.
Paylaþmak: To share
Posta: Mail.
Rakam: Digit.
Reklam: Advertising.
Rica ediyorum: I request
Rica: request, polite demand.
Sadece: Only.
Saðlam: Working. Durable. Strong.
Saðlýk: Health
Saðolun: Thank you.
Sanat: Art. The arts.
Sanýrým: I guess.
Sarý-Lacivert: Yellow-Dark Blue
Sayfa: Page
Sayfasý: The page of...
Sayý: Number
Sayýsý: The number of...
Sekiz: Eight.
Selam: Greetings.
Sen: You.
Serbest: Free. Allowed.
Sesli: With sound.
Sessiz: Silent.
Sevinirim: I will be glad.
Silindi: It is erased, deleted.
Silinmedi: It is not erased.
Sincap: Squirrel
Siz: You (respectful, plural).
Son Mesajlar: The latest messages.
Son: Last. The end.
Sonra: Later, after.
Sonuncu: Last (in order).
Soru: Question.
Sorun: Problem.
Sorunlu: Problemmatic.
Sorunsuz: Without a problem.
Sorunu çözdüm: I solved the problem.
Sorunu çözemedim: I could not solve the problem.
Süre: Duration. Period.
Süresi: The duration of...
Sözcük: Word.
Sözlüðü: The dictionary of...
Sözlük: Dictionary. Glossary.
Þifre: Password.
Þimdi: Now.
Tahmin: Guess. Estimate.
Talep: demand
Tamam mý?: Is it okay?
Tamam: Alright, okay. Full. Finished.
Tamamý: Entire.
Tanýtým: Publicity. Promotion.
Tarih: History. Date.
Taþýndý: It is moved.
Tavsiye: Recommendation.
Tehlikeli: Dangerous.
Tekrar: Repeat. Again.
Temel: Fundamental. Basic.
Teþekkür ederim: Thank you.
Teþekkür: Thank.
Teþekkürler: Thanks
Týkla: (imperative, v.)
Týklayýn: Click (imperative, n.).
Týp: Medicine (The science of)
Toplam: Total.
Tümü: All.
Uzman: Expert
Uzmaný: The expert of...
Uzun: Long.
Ücretli: Charge.
Ücretsiz: Free of charge.
Üç: Three.
Üye: Member.
Üyeler: Members.
Üzgünüm: I am sorry.
Vakit: Time.
Var: There is...
Ve: And.
Verdi: (It) gave.
Veri: Data.
Veriyor: (It) is giving.
Veya: Or.
Ya da: Or (as in either/or dichotomy).
Yakýnda: Soon. Near.
Yanýt: Answer, reply.
Yanýtý: The answer of/to...
Yanlýþ: Incorrect, wrong.
Yapýnýz: Pleased do.
Yapýþtýrýn: Paste it.
Yapmayýnýz: Please do not do.
Yararlý: Useful.
Yardým edin: Help (imperative, v.).
Yardým: Help (n.)
Yardýmcý: Helpful, helper.
Yasadýþý: Illegal.
Yasak: Forbidden.
Yasal: Legal.
Yavaþ: Slow
Yayýnevi: Publishing house.
Yazar: Author, writer.
Yazarlar: Authors, writers.
Yazýyorum: I am writing.
Yedi: Seven.
Yeni: New
Yeniler misiniz?: Would you renew it?
Yok: Nada.
Yolladým: I sent.
Yollar mýsýnýz?: Would you send it?
Yolluyorum: I am sending.
Yöntem: Method.
Yukarýda: Above.
Yükle: Upload it (imperative, v.).
Yükledim: I uploaded it.
Yükler misiniz?: Would you upload it?
Yükleyeceðim: I will upload.
Yüklü: Installed. Loaded.
Yüksek: High
Yüz: Hundred. Face. (contextual).
Zaman: Time.