Petroleum Refining: Separation Processes


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Some information about
Petroleum Refining: Separation Processes
by Jean-Pierre Wauquier

This series Petroleum Refining includes five volumes covering the follwoing aspects of the technology involved in the oil refining industry:
1)) Crude oil.Petroleum products. Process flowsheets.
2)) Separation processes.
3)) Conversion processes.
4)) Materials and equipment.
5)) Refinery operation and management.
This series is designed for the engineers and technicians who will be operating the refinies of the twenty-first century. Two types of problems will have to be solved at the same time: increasingly servere product sepcifications and even more importantly, protecting our air from pollution. It will provide operational people in the field with an understanding of the fundamentals of oil refining as well as an overview of the specific technology they will be using.