كيمياء حيوية Enzyme Kinetics: Principles and Methods 2008


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Enzyme Kinetics : Principles and Methods
Hans Bisswanger


Publisher: Wiley-VCH
Number Of Pages: 320
Publication Date: 2008-05-23

This new, expanded and updated edition of the user-friendly and comprehensive treatise on enzyme kinetics expertly balances theory and practice. With its easy-to-use program on CD-ROM containing examples allowing for the interpretation of experimental data, this is an indispensable aid for advanced students and professionals working with enzymes, whether biochemists, biotechnologists, chemical biologists, pharmacologists or bioengineers in academia, industry and clinical research.
This is an English translation of a book that has achieved considerable success in its original version, having reached its third edition in German. It is a good, solid account with many merits, and a welcome feature is that it devotes considerable space to experimental methods, around a quarter of the whole book. The arrangement of topics is also somewhat unusual, as the first of the three chapters is devoted to multiple equilibria in proteins rather than with enzyme kinetics as such. Chapter 2, occupying about half of the book, contains the "standard" account of enzyme kinetics. Although none of the mathematics is really demanding, the author makes no concessions, and assumes readers who can cope with the sort of algebra and calculus that the subject needs. For my taste the style is rather heavy, and I suspect that the translator is not a native English-[speaker- or else has tried too hard to preserve the style of the original.


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