طب الأسنان
طب الأسنان هو التقييم والتشخيص والوقايه و / أو العلاج (غير الجراحيه او الجراحية او غيرها) من امراض الفم و الفكين.
الاختصاصات التالية:
التعويضات السنية Prosthodontics
المداواة اللبية Endodontics
طب أمراض الفم Oral medicine
علم أمراض الفم الباثولوجي Oral Pathology
الوقايةالسنية Preventive Dentistry
تقويم الأسنان Orthodontics
جراحة الفم و الوجه و الفكين Oral & Maxillofacial surgery
طب أسنان الأطفالPedodontics
مداواة اللثةوعلم أمراض النسج الداعمة Periodontics
علم زراعة الأسنان Implantology
طب الاسنان والصحة العامة Dental Public Health
عِلْمُ أَشِعَّةُ الأَسْنَان Oral Radiology
Dentistry is the "evaluation, diagnosis, prevention and/or treatment (nonsurgical, surgical or related procedures) of diseases, disorders and/or conditions of the oral cavity, maxillofacial area and/or the adjacent and associated structures and their impact on the human body".[1] Those in the practice of dentistry are known as dentists. Other people aiding in oral health service include dental assistants, dental hygienists, dental technicians, and dental therapists.
A dentist is a healthcare professional qualified to practice dentistry after graduating with a degree of either Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS), Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD), Bachelor of Dentistry (BDent), Bachelor of Dental Science (BDSc), or Bachelor of Dental Surgery/Chirurgiae (BDS) or (BChD) or equivalent. In most western countries, to become a qualified dentist one must usually complete at least 4 years of postgraduate study[citation needed]. Generally, 2 years of clinical experience working with patients in an educational setting are required.[citation needed]. While in most countries, dentists neither earn a Doctorate degree, or medical degree, they are afforded the honorary title "Doctor".[2]
1 History
2 General dentistry
3 Specialities
4 Dentistry throughout the world
5 Organizations
6 See also
6.1 Lists
7 References
8 External links
L’odontologie (aussi appelée dentisterie ou médecine dentaire) est la sciencemédicale qui concerne l'étude de la dent en tant qu'organe de la cavité buccale et de ses tissus de soutien, des articulations temporo-mandibulaires et des pathologies buccales.
1 Histoire
1.1 Antiquité
1.2 Moyen Âge
1.3 Renaissance
1.4 Odontologie moderne
2 Spécialités
3 Pratique
4 Référence
5 Liens externes
طب الأسنان هو التقييم والتشخيص والوقايه و / أو العلاج (غير الجراحيه او الجراحية او غيرها) من امراض الفم و الفكين.
الاختصاصات التالية:
التعويضات السنية Prosthodontics
المداواة اللبية Endodontics
طب أمراض الفم Oral medicine
علم أمراض الفم الباثولوجي Oral Pathology
الوقايةالسنية Preventive Dentistry
تقويم الأسنان Orthodontics
جراحة الفم و الوجه و الفكين Oral & Maxillofacial surgery
طب أسنان الأطفالPedodontics
مداواة اللثةوعلم أمراض النسج الداعمة Periodontics
علم زراعة الأسنان Implantology
طب الاسنان والصحة العامة Dental Public Health
عِلْمُ أَشِعَّةُ الأَسْنَان Oral Radiology
Dentistry is the "evaluation, diagnosis, prevention and/or treatment (nonsurgical, surgical or related procedures) of diseases, disorders and/or conditions of the oral cavity, maxillofacial area and/or the adjacent and associated structures and their impact on the human body".[1] Those in the practice of dentistry are known as dentists. Other people aiding in oral health service include dental assistants, dental hygienists, dental technicians, and dental therapists.
A dentist is a healthcare professional qualified to practice dentistry after graduating with a degree of either Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS), Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD), Bachelor of Dentistry (BDent), Bachelor of Dental Science (BDSc), or Bachelor of Dental Surgery/Chirurgiae (BDS) or (BChD) or equivalent. In most western countries, to become a qualified dentist one must usually complete at least 4 years of postgraduate study[citation needed]. Generally, 2 years of clinical experience working with patients in an educational setting are required.[citation needed]. While in most countries, dentists neither earn a Doctorate degree, or medical degree, they are afforded the honorary title "Doctor".[2]
1 History
2 General dentistry
3 Specialities
4 Dentistry throughout the world
5 Organizations
6 See also
6.1 Lists
7 References
8 External links
L’odontologie (aussi appelée dentisterie ou médecine dentaire) est la sciencemédicale qui concerne l'étude de la dent en tant qu'organe de la cavité buccale et de ses tissus de soutien, des articulations temporo-mandibulaires et des pathologies buccales.
1 Histoire
1.1 Antiquité
1.2 Moyen Âge
1.3 Renaissance
1.4 Odontologie moderne
2 Spécialités
3 Pratique
4 Référence
5 Liens externes