كيمياء فيزيائية Nonionic Surfactants -Physical Chemistry


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طاقم الإدارة

Nonionic Surfactants - Physical Chemistry (Surfactant Science Series Vol 23)
by M.J. Schick (Editor)
Hardcover: 1158 pages
Publisher: CRC (March 27, 1987)
Language: English
ISBN: 0824775309
Editorial Reviews

Book Description

What is offered in this book is an authoritative, comprehensive and well referenced treatise. . . . . .it will continue as the standard work on nonionic surfactants for years to come.
The late Dr. Schick, brings years of experience and many experts together in one very comprehensive book. It is great for researchers thet need to fully inderstand the topic, or for less serious readers that need answers to specific technology related questions. Great addition to any technical library of the surfactactant practitioner.

A scanned book, no OCR, available thank to JannLee, who provided the ebook composed of double-page scanned book pages.
I separated pages, added missing pages (152,153,250,251 downloaded from books.google.com) and cover pages, and enhanced the ebook by adding bookmarks to chapters and page links in the tables of content and Index.

PDF size 50 Mb, rar 4*10+6.7 Mb


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