Mass Spectrometry Basics

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Mass Spectrometry Basics
Christopher G. Herbert (Author), Robert A.W. Johnstone


Editorial Reviews

This book is intended as a brief primer on the many flavors and applications of MS technology. As such, the novice will walk away with a taste of MS while the seasoned pioneer will see this book as a quick reference. [T]he book sets the reader up to read more complex books down the road. And each chapter is spiced with figures, tables, and schematics that help the reader understand how this technology comes together.
- Today's Chemist at Work

can be used by all categories of readershipThe book is developmental in nature - beginning with basics of the process and proceeding stepwise to more detailed analyses of each aspect of the methodHighly recommended
L. Andersson, Big Bend Community College, in CHOICE Magazine.

Product Description
Mass Spectrometry Basics provides authoritative yet plain-spoken explanations of the basic concepts of this powerful analytical method without elaborate mathematical derivations. The authors describe processes, applications, and the underlying science in a concise manner supported by figures and graphics to further comprehension. The text provides practical approaches to interpreting mass spectral data and step-by-step guides for identifying chemically relevant compounds. Additionally, the authors have included an extensive reference section and a quick guide to each chapter that offers immediate access to key information. This unique reference makes some of the esoteric aspects of this important area of analysis more readily comprehensible to those who deal with analytical instruments but who have not been trained in mass spectrometry. It also serves as a refresher for practicing mass spectroscopists by clarifying principles to afford a better appreciation and application of this technology.

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Product Details

Hardcover: 474 pages
Publisher: CRC; 1 edition
(June 26, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0849313546
ISBN-13: 978-0849313547
Product Dimensions: 10.4 x 7 x 1.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.4 pounds

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