لا يفل الحديد إلا الحديد
بسبب الزئبق له طبيعة خاصة (لأن الزئبق يسبق الذهب في السلسله الكيميائيه فهو أكثر منه نشاطا فيحل محل الذهب في محاليل أملاحه وهذا هو تفاعل الإستبدال حيث تستخدم هذه الطريقه في أستخلاص المعادن وتنقيتها)...
Mercury is a metal and reacts similarly to the other metals in the d-block. Mercury can react to form conventional salts in the +1 or +2 oxidation states but it can also react with organic compounds to form organomercury compounds which are highly toxic.
The reaction of mercury and gold is called amalgamation.
Amalgamation, meaning to combine or unite into one form, has several uses as:
Amalgamation (mining), the process of separation of precious metals from ore
Gold Amalgamation
Amalgamation: The physical and/or chemical characteristics that make amalgamation work are not clearly understood to this day. However, it is known that if clean mercury is brought into contact with clean gold, the gold is wetted and "drawn into" the mercury. This result in a solution of gold in mercury or an alloy of gold and mercury called amalgam. After the mercury has gathered in the gold it can be removed by dissolving it in nitric acid or by driving it off as a vapor by heat. The gold will remain