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Phosgenations - A Handbook

Published Online: 28 Jan 2005
Author(s): Dr. Livius Cotarca, Dr. Heiner Eckert
Print ISBN: 9783527298235 Online ISBN: 9783527602629
DOI: 10.1002/3527602623
Copyright © 2003 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA
ارجوا المساعدة

Phosgenations - A Handbook
by Livius Cotarca , Heiner Eckert



(p i-xii)
Dr. Livius Cotarca, Dr. Heiner Eckert
Summary | Full Text: PDF
(Size: 106K)​

Chapter 1:
(p 1-2)
Dr. Livius Cotarca, Dr. Heiner Eckert
Summary | Full Text: PDF
(Size: 61K)​

Chapter 2:
Phosgenation Reagents
(p 3-31)
Dr. Livius Cotarca, Dr. Heiner Eckert
Summary | Full Text: PDF
(Size: 308K)​

Chapter 3:
Evaluation of Phosgenation Reagents
(p 32-43)
Dr. Livius Cotarca, Dr. Heiner Eckert
Summary | Full Text: PDF
(Size: 152K)​

Chapter 4.1-4.3.1:
Phosgenation Reactions: Sections 4.1-4.3.1
(p 44-148)
Dr. Livius Cotarca, Dr. Heiner Eckert
Summary | Full Text: PDF
(Size: 742K)​

Chapter 4.3.2:
Phosgenation Reactions: Section 4.3.2
(p 148-215)
Dr. Livius Cotarca, Dr. Heiner Eckert
Summary | Full Text: PDF
(Size: 536K)​

Chapter 4.3.3-4.3.5:
Phosgenation Reactions: Sections 4.3.3-4.3.5
(p 215-325)
Dr. Livius Cotarca, Dr. Heiner Eckert
Summary | Full Text: PDF
(Size: 824K)​

Chapter 4.3.6-4.5.2:
Phosgenation Reactions: Sections 4.3.6-4.5.2
(p 325-431)
Dr. Livius Cotarca, Dr. Heiner Eckert
Summary | Full Text: PDF
(Size: 814K)​

Chapter 4.5.3-4.8:
Phosgenation Reactions: Sections 4.5.3-4.8
(p 431-520)
Dr. Livius Cotarca, Dr. Heiner Eckert
Summary | Full Text: PDF
(Size: 675K)​

Chapter 5:
Topics on Specific Synthetic Applications of Phosgenation Reactions
(p 521-597)
Dr. Livius Cotarca, Dr. Heiner Eckert
Summary | Full Text: PDF
(Size: 630K)​

Chapter 6:
Evaluation of Phosgenation Reactions
(p 598-611)
Dr. Livius Cotarca, Dr. Heiner Eckert
Summary | Full Text: PDF
(Size: 173K)​

Chapter 7:
Materials and Resources for Phosgenation Reagents
(p 612-619)
Dr. Livius Cotarca, Dr. Heiner Eckert
Summary | Full Text: PDF
(Size: 131K)​

Chapter 8:
Monitoring Phosgene and Phosgene Substitutes: Analytical Methods
(p 620-628)
Dr. Livius Cotarca, Dr. Heiner Eckert
Summary | Full Text: PDF (Size: 111K)​

Chapter 9:
(p 629)
Dr. Livius Cotarca, Dr. Heiner Eckert
Summary | Full Text: PDF
(Size: 42K)​

(p 630-631)
Dr. Livius Cotarca, Dr. Heiner Eckert
Summary | Full Text: PDF
(Size: 51K)​

Subject Index
(p 633-656)
Dr. Livius Cotarca, Dr. Heiner Eckert
Summary | Full Text: PDF
(Size: 178K)​


  • Content.pdf
    105.7 KB · المشاهدات: 6
  • Chapter 1.pdf
    105.7 KB · المشاهدات: 7
  • Index.pdf
    177.4 KB · المشاهدات: 7

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Phosgenations - A Handbook


1. Edition - November 2003
239.- Euro
2003. XII, 656 Pages, Hardcover
- Handbook/Reference Book -
ISBN-10: 3-527-29823-1
ISBN-13: 978-3-527-29823-5 - Wiley-VCH, Weinheim

Short description
In this manual, the authors compare the range of applications for phosgene with that of the alternative compounds. The result is a mine of information for synthetic chemists working in industry and academia, dealing with the question of where the toxic phosgene may be replaced by an unproblematic compound - including the safety phosgenation.
From the contents
Introduction. Classification of Phosgene Organic Reactions
Structural Properties of Phosgene and 'Pseudophosgene' Compounds
Thermodynamic of Phosgene Reactions
Thermal, Chemical (Nucleophilic) and Catalytic Induced Dissociation
Phosgenes vs. Phosgene Substitutes Reactivity
Phosgenes vs. Phosgene Substitutes Reactions
Specific Synthetic Applications of Phosgene vs. Phosgene Substitutes
Sources of Phosgene
Synthesis of Phosgene Substitutes
Safety Aspects and Environmental Impact
Monitoring of Phosgene and Phosgene Substitutes. Analytical Methods
Outlook and Conclusions

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جزيكى الله خيرا على المجهود و قوة التحمل لعدم استعابى للموضوع و لكن اريد ان اوضح ان الذى اريدة هو الكتاب و المتواجد فى دار النشر John Wiley and Sons ، فارجوا مساعدتى فى ذلك و الله الموفق