الى اصحاب القلوب الرحيمه ارجو المساعده


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ادري اني كثرة الطلبات بس مالي بعد الله الا انتم الله يرضى عليكم
ابي حل هذه الاسئله لانمي بجد محتاجه لها
الفزعه تكفون
ابي حل الي تعرفونه لو سؤال واحد ان شاءالله تكون المرة الاخيره الي بتعبكم معي

Question 1:

A parallel-plate capacitor with circular shaped plates, with a diameter of 4 cm and air-gap separation of 0.50 mm is connected to a 12 V battery, and fully charged. The battery is then disconnected, what is the charge on the capacitor?

Question 2:

Consider a charged parallel-plate capacitor. How can its capacitance be halved? Check all that apply from the list below and show how:

- Double the charge.
- Double the plate area.
- Double the plate separation.
- Halve the charge.
- Halve the plate area.
- Halve the plate separation.
Question 3:

Consider a charged parallel-plate capacitor. Which combination of changes would quadruple its capacitance and show how?

- Double the charge and double the plate area.
- Double the charge and double the plate separation.
- Halve the charge and double the plate separation.
- Halve the charge and double the plate area.
- Halve the plate separation and double the plate area.
- Double the plate separation and halve the plate area.

Question 4:

[FONT='Times','serif']A parallel plate capacitor is formed from two square pieces of metal 0.040 m on a side. The plates are separated by 0.008 m, and the space between them is filled with insulating rubber, which has a dielectric constant of 6.7. When this capacitor is connected to a 25 volt battery, what is the magnitude of the charge on each plate?[/FONT]
Question 5:
If you knew that the dielectric constant of glass is 7.6 and of polystyrene is 2.5, find the percentage error in your experiment.

Question 6:

A parallel-plate capacitor has rectangular plates of area 57 cm2 (length=19 cm and width=3 cm). The region between the plates is filled with a dielectric slab of dielectric constant K= 4 which can slide along the length of the capacitor. Initially, the slab completely fills the rectangular region, and the capacitor holds a charge of 0.1 µC. How far should the dielectric slab be pulled so that the stored energy is double its initial value?


ياهووووووووو وين الفزعه ؟
لاتخيبون املي فيكم يا احلى اعضاء

اسم الكتاب سرويس
serway jewett
physics for scientists and engineers
ساعدوني بليززززززززز

شوفي هالمواضيع و فيها حلول اسئلةالكتاب كاملة
Most of Solution Manual
Solution Manual " Physics For Scientists And Engineers
ان شاء الله اكيد بفيدوكي وحقك علينا بالتاخير

الله يعطيك العافية دكتور dedoda أنت سباق للخير وفقك الله وسدد خطاك وزوجك بالحور العين ( في الآخره طبعا ) من شان ما يزعلون الجماعه.

الله يعطيك العافية دكتور dedoda ائما سباق للخير وفقك الله وسدد خطاك وزوجك بالحور العين ( في الآخره طبعا ) من شان ما يزعلون الجماعه.
على راسي و الله مش ناسيك صدقاً قاعد ببحثلك شوف ايميلك

مالقيت الحل
تكفون ساعدوني والاسئله هذي من الدكتورة مااتوقع انها بالكتاب

يعافيك اخوي بس مالقيت الحل ياليت تحلها لي اذا ماعليك امر باسرع وقت لان تسليمه الاحد على خير

اسم الكتاب سرويس
serway jewett
physics for scientists and engineers
ساعدوني بليززززززززز

Physics for Scientists and Engineers (with PhysicsNOW and InfoTrac )
Raymond A. Serway, John W. Jewett


part1: http://rapidshare.com/files/7273236/PHFSAE1.rar

part2: http://rapidshare.com/files/7273238/PHFSAE2.rar

pass: tF&Others

كتاب الحلول

Instructor's Solution Manual for Serway's & Jewett's Physics for Scientists and Engineers
by Ralph V. McGrew




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مشكورين الله يفرح قلوبكم مثل مافرحتوني

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بارك الله فيكم جميعــــــــا