Well Control Practice Quizzes *For IWCF exam
الملف الموجود بالمرفقات يحتوي على مجموعة ملفات إكسل تفاعلية بحيث تختار السؤال و تجيب عليه من أحد الإختيارات التي أمامك ثم تضغط على الزر لتعرف الإجابة .
مفيد جداً للذين يتقدمون لإمتحان ال IWCF الخاص بشركات البترول .
In response to many requests we have put together a series of short quizzes on various well control topics to help you prepare for your next well control school. These quizzes are for refresher purposes only and are not meant to replace attendance on a well control school. Nor are they teaching documents – they will not give you the basics of well control if you do not already know them – this can only be achieved through studying the well control sections of the OJT material.
The quizzes will, however, give you an idea of how much you still remember from the last time you attended a school and from that if you need to do any further preparation before coming to school.
The quizzes each contain 25 questions on well control and are grouped into related topic areas ranging from fairly basic knowledge through to some of the harder calculations that supervisors may come across in their IWCF exam.
The quizzes run from this CD through Excel and can be done on any computer with Excel loaded on to it. There is an introductory page that you go to first each time you open one up. Please read this page each time you start a quiz as it contains advice on how to get started.
You are recommended to tackle the quizzes in numerical order as they get progressively more challenging. You are also advised to answer the questions in order. The reason for this is that if you answer a question incorrectly you will be given a brief explanation of how to tackle it. The next question will then invariably be similar. If you are confident, however, you can tackle the questions in random order.
There is no time limit for any of the quizzes so take as long as you need over each question before answering because if you get it wrong you do not get a second crack at it.
As a minimum you will need a calculator, pen or pencil, scrap paper and a formula sheet. If you do not have a formula sheet a copy of the current (2001) IWCF formula sheet is also included on this CD and can be printed off.
To run a quiz simply double click with your mouse whichever one you wish to tackle. A screen will come up telling you the workbook contains macros. From the choices given to you select “Enable Macros”. If you do not then the quiz will not run properly.