كيمياء غير عضوية Industrial Inorganic Chemistry


مشرف بالجامعة
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم​

Industrial Inorganic Chemistry​


  • Publisher: Wiley-VCH​
  • Number Of Pages: 650​
  • Publication Date: 2000-05-15​
  • ISBN-10 / ASIN: 3527298495​
  • ISBN-13 / EAN: 9783527298495​
  • Binding: Hardcover​
Book Description
This book provides an up-to-date survey of modern industrial inorganic chemistry in a clear and concise manner. Production processes are described in close detail, aspects such as the disposition of raw materials and energy consumption, the economic significance of the product and technical applications, as well as ecological problems, being discussed.​

From reviews of the previous edition:​

'... Overall this is an extremely useful, authoritative reference book dealing with a topic in which it is often difficult to obtain up-to-date information. ...'
Chemistry and Industry​

'One of few texts available that concisely describes the current state of industrial inorganic chemistry. ...'
The New York Public Library​

'... and as for modern uses of inorganic chemistry, I'd recommend this book as a welcome addition to any professional library...'

'This book fills an important niche in its sector. Industrial scientists and engineers, academics, and students can be recommended to turn to it with reasonable confidence that the most important areas are described. ...'

'... it fills a currently existing gap in the market.'
Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology​

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