How to Solve Word Problems in Calculus
By Eugene Don, Benay Don
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Number Of Pages: 226
Publication Date: 2001-07-09
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0071358978
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780071358972
Book Description
Considered to be the hardest mathematical problems to solve, word problems continue to terrify students across all math disciplines. This new title in the World Problems series demystifies these difficult problems once and for all by showing even the most math-phobic readers simple, step-by-step tips and techniques. How to Solve World Problems in Calculus reviews important concepts in calculus and provides solved problems and step-by-step solutions. Once students have mastered the basic approaches to solving calculus word problems, they will confidently apply these new mathematical principles to even the most challenging advanced problems. Each chapter features an introduction to a problem type, definitions, related theorems, and formulas. Topics range from vital pre-calculus review to traditional calculus first-course content. Sample problems with solutions and a 50-problem chapter are ideal for self-testing. Fully explained examples with step-by-step solutions.
Summary: Contains all the Classics
I was first introduced to the mysteries of limits, differentiation, and integration in the Winter of 1966. I used a text no longer available, one that really stretched your abilities through the variety and difficulty of elementary problems offered up for exercise. Since that time, I have seen many a calculus book come and go where most contain the same old tired and unimaginative problem set. This book definitely fills that woeful gap. Not only does "How to Solve Word Problems in Calculus" present a great variety of classic derivative problems completely worked out, but it also presents the solutions in a step-by-step fashion, which helps the student thoroughly familiarize themselves with a basic problem-solving process as presented in an early chapter. One thing that I like is the emphasis on precise picture drawing that allows for crucial left-right brain integration--very important when trying to figure out exactly what quanity (and subsequently function) we are trying to optimize. If the book has a weakness, it is the lack of really new and innovative problems in integration. But, integration has traditionally been a subject that eludes elementary applications other than the usual geometric fare. Don't let this stop you from buying this great and valuable teacher resource!
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