كيمياء فيزيائية Physical Chemistry: Understanding our Chemical World

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Physical Chemistry: Understanding our Chemical World

Paul M. S. Monk, «Physical Chemistry: Understanding our Chemical World»
Wiley | ISBN: 0471491810 | 2004-05-28 | 618 pages | PDF | 3.3 Mb

Understanding Physical Chemistry is a gentle introduction to the principles and applications of physical chemistry. The book aims to introduce the concepts and theories in a structured manner through a wide range of carefully chosen examples and case studies drawn from everyday life. These real-life examples and applications are presented first, with any necessary chemical and mathematical theory discussed afterwards. This makes the book extremely accessible and directly relevant to the reader.
Aimed at undergraduate students taking a first course in physical chemistry, this book offers an accessible applications/examples led approach to enhance understanding and encourage and inspire the reader to learn more about the subject.
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