International Tables for Crystallography, Volume A: Space Group Symmetry (International Tables for Crystallography) by Theo Hahn
Editorial Reviews
From the reviews of the fifth edition: "... The Editor's goal to provide data that are useful for all aspects of crystallography as well as text to satisfy the needs of those interested in the theoretical reasons behind these tables has led to a fruitful combination of tables for practical use in the first part and a high-level textbook in the second. To sum up, ITA is not only the first and the most frequently edited volume in this series of a new generation of crystallographic references, it sets standards for the subject of crystallography in general as a `hard' and far-reaching branch of science. Thanks to the availability of this reference, supported by the IUCr, there is nowadays an international consensus on key concepts of crystallography. ITA is a book of symbols relevant for symmetry properties of crystals. While many other books are using the relevant symbols, ITA delivers not only the complete listings but also a comprehensive explanation of the theory behind them and detailed instructions for use. Hence, it is indispensable for people dealing with the symmetry of crystals." (P. Paufler [Acta Cryst. (2004). A60, 641-642] )
"Since its first appearance in 1983, Volume A of International Tables for Crystallography (hereafter ITA) has served consumers of symmetry-group data for about 20 years . ITA is not only the first and the most frequently edited volume in this series of a new generation of crystallographic references, it sets standards for the subject of crystallography in general . I feel personal indebtedness to the Editor and to the other authors of this useful volume and the huge work that has been done." (Peter Paufler, Acta Crystallographica, 2004)
Book Description
The International Tables for Crystallography are jointly published with the International Union of Crystallography. Each print volume can be purchased individually. In addition the complete set of Vol A-G is available both in print and online (see right hand column). Volume A treats crystallographic symmetry in direct or physical space. The first five parts of the volume contain introductory material: lists of symbols and terms; a guide to the use of the space-group tables; the determination of space groups; synoptic tables of space-group symbols; and unit-cell (coordinate) transformations. These are followed by the plane-group and space-group tables. The rest of the volume is at a much higher theoretical level than Parts 1 to 5; it has many features of an advanced textbook of crystallography. Parts 8 to 15 deal with the following aspects of symmetry theory: the mathematical approach to space groups; crystal lattices; point groups and crystal classes; symbols for symmetry operations; symbols for space groups; isomorphic subgroups of space groups; lattice complexes; and normalizers of space groups. Volume A is designed not only for professional crystallographers, but also for chemists, physicists, mineralogists, biologists and material scientists who employ crystallographic methods and who are concerned with the structure and the properties of crystalline materials. The fifth edition of Volume A has been reviewed by P. Paufler [Acta Cryst. (2004). A60, 641-642]. The first edition was reviewed by K. M. Stadnicka, B. J. Oleksyn and K. Z. Sokalski [Acta Cryst. (1987). A43, 156-159]. International Tables for personal use can be purchased at a discount. Contact Customer Service for further information and to place an order.
International Tables for Crystallography: Reciprocal Space, Vol. B (International Tables for Crystallography)
by Uri Shmueli
Editorial Reviews
Book Description
The International Tables for Crystallography are jointly published with the International Union of Crystallography. Each print volume can be purchased individually. In addition the complete set of Vol A-G is available both in print and online (see right hand column). The general purpose of Volume B is to provide the user/reader with competent and useful accounts of the numerous aspects of reciprocal space in crystallographic research. Several chapters have been revised and updated for the second edition, and five new chapters have been added (see Contents below). After an introductory chapter, Part 1 presents the reader with an account of structure-factor formalisms, an extensive treatment of the theory, algorithms and crystallographic applications of Fourier methods, and fundamental as well as advanced treatments of symmetry in reciprocal space.In Part 2, these general accounts are followed by detailed expositions of crystallographic statistics, the theory of direct methods, Patterson techniques, isomorphous replacement and anomalous scattering, and treatments of the role of electron microscopy and diffraction in crystal structure determination, including applications of direct methods to electron crystallography. Part 3 deals with applications of reciprocal space to molecular geometry and `best'-plane calculations, and contains a treatment of the principles of molecular graphics and modelling and their applications; it concludes with the presentation of a convergence-acceleration method of importance in the computation of approximate lattice sums. Part 4 contains treatments of various diffuse-scattering phenomena arising from crystal dynamics, disorder and low dimensionality (liquid crystals), and an exposition of the underlying theories and/or experimental evidence. The new additions to this part are treatments of polymer crystallography and of reciprocal-space images of aperiodic crystals. Part 5 of the volume contains introductory treatments of the theory of the interaction of radiation with matter (dynamical theory) as applied to X-ray, electron and (new for the second edition) neutron diffraction techniques. It is important to note that the simplified trigonometric expressions for the structure factors in the 230 three-dimensional space groups, which appeared in Volume I of International Tables of X-ray Crystallography, can now be found in Appendix 1.4.3 to Chapter 1.4 of Volume B. The volume is a vital addition to the library of scientists engaged in crystal structure determination, crystallographic computing, crystal physics and other fields of crystallographic research. Graduate students specializing in crystallography will find much material suitable for self-study and a rich source of references to the relevant literature. International Tables for personal use can be purchased at a discount. Contact Customer Service for further information and to place an order.
Product Details
Hardcover: 620 pages Publisher: Springer; 2nd ed. edition (June 30, 2001) Language: English ISBN-10: 0792365925 ISBN-13: 978-0792365921 Product Dimensions: 12 x 9.1 x 1.4 inches Shipping Weight: 5.1 pounds
International Tables for Crystallography,Volume C:: Mathematical, physical and chemical tables (International Tables for Crystallography)
by E. Prince
Editorial Reviews
Book Description
The International Tables for Crystallography are jointly published with the International Union of Crystallography. Each print volume can be purchased individually. In addition the complete set of Vol A-G is available both in print and online (see right hand column). The purpose of Volume C is to provide the mathematical, physical and chemical information needed for experimental studies in structural crystallography. The volume covers all aspects of experimental techniques, using all three principal radiation types, from the selection and mounting of crystals and production of radiation, through data collection and analysis, to interpretation of results. As such, it is an essential source of information for all workers using crystallographic techniques in physics, chemistry, metallurgy, earth sciences and molecular biology. Eleven chapters have been revised, corrected or updated for the third edition. International Tables for personal use can be purchased at a discount. Contact Customer Service for further information and to place an order.
Product Details
Hardcover: 1000 pages Publisher: Springer; 3rd ed. edition (January 31, 2004) Language: English ISBN-10: 1402019009 ISBN-13: 978-1402019005 Product Dimensions: 12.1 x 9.1 x 2 inches Shipping Weight: 7.8 pounds
Volume D is concerned with the influence of symmetry on the physical and tensor properties of crystals and on their structural phase transitions. This role is very important in many different disciplines of the science of materials, such as crystallography, elasticity, solid-state physics, magnetism, optics, ferroelectricity and mineralogy, and Volume D deals with all these aspects in a unified way. The book is accompanied by a CD containing two pieces of software, one which supports Chapters 1.1 and 1.2 for the determination of irreducible group representations and tensor components, and one which supports Part 3 on structural phase transitions. Part 1 introduces the mathematical properties of tensors and group representations and gives their independent components for each of the crystallographic groups. The software included in the accompanying CD enables one to determine the irreducible representations of finite point groups in three dimensions (the 32 crystallographic groups and the groups of quasicrystalline phases) and the independent components of a tensor of any rank for each of these groups. As examples, several tensor properties of crystals are described: elastic properties, thermal expansion, magnetic properties, linear and nonlinear optical properties, transport properties and atomic displacement parameters, of special interest to crystallographers. A separate chapter is devoted to the particular case of tensors in quasiperiodic structures. Part 2 is devoted to the symmetry aspects of excitations in reciprocal space: phonons, electrons, Raman scattering and Brillouin scattering. Part 3 deals with the symmetry aspects of structural phase transitions and twinning. A prominent feature is the joint description of twinning and domain structures, which are usually presented in completely separate ways in handbooks of physics and mineralogy. The theory of structural phase transitions relates the symmetry characteristics of the transitions to their physical characteristics. The application of the symmetry principles that derive from this theory is illustrated by the tables contained in the accompanying CD. The CD also contains tables of tensor properties at any group-subgroup phase transition. Volume D was recently reviewed by M. Moore (Crystallography News, No. 90, September 2004, pp. 11-12). International Tables for personal use can be purchased at a discount. Contact Customer Service for further information and to place an order.
Product Details
Hardcover: 522 pages Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (December 31, 2003) Language: English ISBN-10: 1402007140 ISBN-13: 978-1402007149 Product Dimensions: 11.9 x 8.9 x 1.2 inches Shipping Weight: 4.7 pounds
International Tables for Crystallography,Volume E: Subperiodic Groups (International Tables for Crystallography)
by V. Kopsky (Editor), D.B. Litvin
Editorial Reviews
From the reviews: "...Volume E ... is composed much in the style of Volume A, with large, clear diagrams, and most of the same tables, including general and special positions, projections and sub- and supergroups. While it will certainly not command the market that Volume A does, it is almost certainly of greater relevance than it may seem to the average crystallographer, as so many structures may be considered as built up from substructures having the symmetries described here.Examples are given of the uses of the groups, particularly for well known layer structures such as cadmium chloride, and for twin junctions. The contents of the book must, however, also be recommended to molecular and macromolecular crystallographers who encounter the same penetrating rods and sectional layers." (R. Gould, Crystallography News, No. 85)
Book Description
The International Tables for Crystallography are jointly published with the International Union of Crystallography. Each print volume can be purchased individually. In addition the complete set of Vol A-G is available both in print and online (see right hand column). International Tables for Crystallography, Volume E, Subperiodic groups covers the seven frieze groups, the 75 rod groups and the 80 layer groups. The information tabulated for these groups is identical in format and content as that given for the 230 space groups in Volume A. In addition, scanning tables are given for each of the 230 space groups. These scanning tables give the largest subgroup of the space group that leaves the given plane invariant. The use of the scanning tables is shown in determining the symmetry of domain walls. Volume E has been reviewed by R. Gould (Crystallography News, No. 85, June 2003, p. 13). International Tables for personal use can be purchased at a discount. Contact Customer Service for further information and to place an order.
Product Details
Hardcover: 610 pages Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (October 2002) Language: English ISBN-10: 1402007159 ISBN-13: 978-1402007156 Product Dimensions: 12.1 x 9 x 1.2 inches Shipping Weight: 4.6 pounds
International Tables for Crystallography,Volume F:: Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules (International Tables for Crystallography) by M.G. Rossmann (Editor), E. Arnold
Editorial Reviews
Book Description
The International Tables for Crystallography are jointly published with the International Union of Crystallography. Each print volume can be purchased individually. In addition the complete set of Vol A-G is available both in print and online (see right hand column). International Tables for Crystallography, Volume F, Crystallography of biological macromolecules is an expert guide to macromolecular crystallography for the modern structural biologist. It was commissioned by the International Union of Crystallography in recognition of the extraordinary contributions that knowledge of macromolecular structure has made, and will make, to the analysis of biological systems, from enzyme catalysis to the workings of a whole cell, and to the growing field of structural genomics. The volume covers all stages of a crystallographic analysis from the preparation of samples using the techniques of molecular biology, through crystallization, diffraction data collection, phase determination, structure validation and structure analysis. Although the book is written for experienced scientists, it is recognized that the reader is more likely to be a biologist interested in structure than a classical crystallographer interested in biology. Thus there are chapters on the fundamentals, history and current perspectives of macromolecular crystallography, as well as the availability of useful programs and databases including the Protein Data Bank. Each chapter is written by an internationally recognized expert. The International Tables for Crystallography are jointly published with the International Union of Crystallography. Each print volume can be purchased individually. In addition the complete set of Vol A-G is available both in print and online (see right hand column). International Tables for personal use can be purchased at a discount. Contact Customer Service for further information and to place an order.
Product Details
Hardcover: 832 pages Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (July 1, 2001) Language: English ISBN-10: 0792368576 ISBN-13: 978-0792368571 Product Dimensions: 11.8 x 9.6 x 1.6 inches Shipping Weight: 6.4 pounds
International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. G: Definition and Exchange of Crystallographic Data (International Tables for Crystallography)
by S.R. Hall (Editor), B. McMahon
Editorial Reviews
International Tables for Crystallography Volume G, Definition and exchange of crystallographic data, describes the standard data exchange and archival file format (the Crystallographic Information File, or CIF) used throughout crystallography. It provides in-depth information vital for small-molecule, inorganic and macromolecular crystallographers, mineralogists, chemists, materials scientists, solid-state physicists and others who wish to record or use the results of a single-crystal or powder diffraction experiment. The volume also provides the detailed data ontology necessary for programmers and database managers to design interoperable computer applications. The accompanying CD-ROM contains the CIF dictionaries in machine-readable form and a collection of libraries and utility programs. This volume is an essential guide and reference for programmers of crystallographic software, data managers handling crystal-structure information and practicing crystallographers who need to use CIF.
Product Description
International Tables for Crystallography Volume G, Definition and exchange of crystallographic data, describes the standard data exchange and archival file format (the Crystallographic Information File, or CIF) used throughout crystallography. It provides in-depth information vital for small-molecule, inorganic and macromolecular crystallographers, mineralogists, chemists, materials scientists, solid-state physicists and others who wish to record or use the results of a single-crystal or powder diffraction experiment. The volume also provides the detailed data ontology necessary for programmers and database managers to design interoperable computer applications. The accompanying CD-ROM contains the CIF dictionaries in machine-readable form and a collection of libraries and utility programs.
Product Details
Hardcover: 608 pages Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (August 1, 2005) Language: English ISBN-10: 1402031386 ISBN-13: 978-1402031380 Product Dimensions: 11.9 x 8.8 x 1.3 inches Shipping Weight: 4.8 pounds