Handbook of Chemometrics and Qualimetrics
(Data Handling in Science and Technology)
by Massart

Editorial Reviews
Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis
There seems to be little doubt that this book will become a bible for all chemometricians...
...the order of chapters chosen by the authors turns out to be excellent, and the clarity of presentations, the uniformity of style between chapters presumably contributed by different authors, the plentiful cross-referencing between sections, and the good index, all provide testimony to the great care with which the volume has been written: clearly a labour of love! Moreover it is hard to point to a single area of any significance which has been omitted or which has received inadequate treatment and the use of simple and relevant example data sets throughout ensures a stimulating read and brings these potentially rather dry topics to life.
In short, this is a magnificent book, written by world-class innovators and users of chemometrics, and it deserves to be on the shelves of all teachers and researchers in the analytical sciences.
There seems to be little doubt that this book will become a bible for all chemometricians...
...the order of chapters chosen by the authors turns out to be excellent, and the clarity of presentations, the uniformity of style between chapters presumably contributed by different authors, the plentiful cross-referencing between sections, and the good index, all provide testimony to the great care with which the volume has been written: clearly a labour of love! Moreover it is hard to point to a single area of any significance which has been omitted or which has received inadequate treatment and the use of simple and relevant example data sets throughout ensures a stimulating read and brings these potentially rather dry topics to life.
In short, this is a magnificent book, written by world-class innovators and users of chemometrics, and it deserves to be on the shelves of all teachers and researchers in the analytical sciences.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis
...there is evidence of considerable thought having been given to the problems that the material could present to a novice reader. In each chapter the discussion progresses smoothly from an elementary introductory section to the development of the target subject. With the type of material that this book covers, newcomers often experience difficulty in understanding the utility of abstract concepts. The authors have dealt effectively with this problem by a generous use of examples that are couched in terms that are meaningful to chemists. This book is a welcome addition to the field of chemometrics.
Applied Spectroscopy

Product Details
Hardcover: 886 pages
Publisher: Elsevier Science; 1 edition
(December 1, 1997)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0444897240
ISBN-13: 978-0444897244
Product Dimensions: 9.7 x 6.5 x 1.6 inches
Shipping Weight: 4.2 pounds
Download Part "A" from here
Handbook of Chemometrics and Qualimetrics
(Data Handling in Science and Technology)
by Massart

Editorial Reviews
Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis
There seems to be little doubt that this book will become a bible for all chemometricians...
...the order of chapters chosen by the authors turns out to be excellent, and the clarity of presentations, the uniformity of style between chapters presumably contributed by different authors, the plentiful cross-referencing between sections, and the good index, all provide testimony to the great care with which the volume has been written: clearly a labour of love! Moreover it is hard to point to a single area of any significance which has been omitted or which has received inadequate treatment and the use of simple and relevant example data sets throughout ensures a stimulating read and brings these potentially rather dry topics to life.
In short, this is a magnificent book, written by world-class innovators and users of chemometrics, and it deserves to be on the shelves of all teachers and researchers in the analytical sciences. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.
D.B. Hibbert, University of New South Wales, Sydney
"I have caused my university library to purchase a copy of Handbook of Chenometrics and Qualimetrics, and I believe that all serious groups working in chenometrics will feel the need to own the two volumes...For those long ensconced in chenometrics, browsing these books will not fail to impress with the breadth and complexity of the subject."
Chenometrics & Intelligent Laboratory Systems, Vol. 49, 1999

Product Details
Hardcover: 732 pages
Publisher: Elsevier Science; Volume B edition
(October 1, 1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0444828532
ISBN-13: 978-0444828538
Product Dimensions: 9.7 x 6.6 x 1.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.3 pounds
Download Part "B" from here