Hydrogen as Fuel


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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم​

Hydrogen as Fuel​

  • Publisher: CRC
    Number Of Pages: 224
    Publication Date: 2002-01-15
    ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0415242428
    ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780415242424​
  • Binding: Hardcover​
Book Description
There continues to be a widespread interest in the applications of hydrogen as a clean fuel and its potential for local electricity production and use in transport The late 90s produced a variety of breakthroughs in our understanding of the nature, structure and biosynthesis of hydrogenases. \Hydrogen as a Fuel: Learning from Nature\is a timely description of these developments, taking a lucid, multidisciplinary approach. Scientists in fields such as clean technology, biochemistry, electrochemistry, agriculture and general biotechnology will find this an accessible resource bringing together the many facets of these enzymes.​

Book Info
Offers a timely description of the breakthroughs seen in the understanding of the nature, structure, and biosynthesis of hydrogenases. Of interest to anyone concerned with environmentally friendly energy conservation.​

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