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Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2007)

Publisher: Humana Press
Language: English
ISBN: 1588296733
750 pages
Data: 2007
23 Mb
Description: Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CMR) is a rapidly evolving tool for cardiovascular diagnosis, and is becoming increasingly important in guiding cardiovascular interventions. Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging presents a state-of-the-art compilation of expert contributions to the field, each examining normal and pathologic anatomy of the cardiovascular system as assessed by magnetic resonance imaging. Functional techniques such as myocardial perfusion imaging and assessment of flow velocity are emphasized, along with the exciting areas of artherosclerosis plaque imaging and targeted magnetic resonance imaging. Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging represents a multi-disciplinary approach to the field, with contributions from experts in cardiology, radiology, physics, engineering, physiology and biochemistry and offers new directions in noninvasive imaging.
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