محتاج Clinical Chemistry principles and procedures

و عليكم السلام يا اااااااااااااااااااااالاخ د.محمد​

Clinical Chemistry: Theory, Analysis, Correlation

Book Description
This comprehensive, up-to-date, readable text acts as a complete clinical chemistry course and professional reference, providing detailed, specific information on the principles of clinical chemistry in laboratory diagnosis as well as the pathophysiologic changes that occur in disease and affect testing outcomes. Explanations of Laboratory Techniques (Part 1) lead the reader through various necessary laboratory techniques and practices. Chapters on Pathophysiology (Part 2) provide descriptions of how specific diseases affect the human body. A companion CD-ROM packaged with the book features Methods of Analysis, a comprehensive Urinalysis Manual, and an interactive Study Guide/Workbook to reinforce concepts. The book's clear writing and comprehensive coverage make it an ideal resource for both students and practitioners.
Book Info
New York Univ., New York City. Brandon/Hill Allied Health List selection (#36). Textbook contains updated and expanded chapters, use of Internet resources, and a companion CD-ROM. Revisions reflect new tests and a better understanding of old tests. Includes halftone illustrations, tables, and charts. DNLM: Chemistry, Clinical.


Clincial Chemistry: A Laboratory Perspective

Book Description
Excite your students' interest in clinical chemistry with this innovative new textbook! Organized almost entirely around organ systems, this groudnbreaking text teaches the concepts and principles of clinical chemistry through realistic situations and scenarios. The authors developed this practical approach to encourage students to apply theoretical principles in the laboratory and to develop practical, critical-thinking skills. Key Features * A minimum of five realistics, laboratory-based scenarios introduce each major topic in a chapter. * Clinical cases focus on real-life scenarios and situations encountered in the laboratory, illustrating the type of information presented to and generated by the laboratory regarding patients * "Common Sense Check" boxes highlight important, yet ofte simple, concepts that are invaluable to perform quality laboratory testing * "Test Methodology" boxes summarize pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical aspects of laboratory tests * "The Team Approach" is emphasized, explaining how other members of the health care team interact with the laboratory * Thought-provoking questions and objectives guide students through each topic and help them develop logical thought processess and critical thinking skills​

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