Windows Vista with Service Pack 1

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Windows Vista with Service Pack 1


” Microsoft has released Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Release Candidate to the public. Windows Vista users can download the package and preview the software now. But remember it is a release candidate and not the final version.
Windows Vista Service Pack 1 RC contains changes focused on addressing specific reliability and performance issues, supporting new types of hardware, and adding support for several emerging standards. SP1 also will continue to make it easier for IT administrators to deploy and manage Windows Vista.
It is important to note that this pre-release softwareis provided for testing purposes only. Windows Vista SP1 Release Candidate is time-limited software and will no longer operate after June 30, 2008 and should be uninstalled prior to that date. Moreover, when the final version of Windows Vista SP1 is released in first quarter of 2008, you will need to uninstall this pre-release code. Remember that you must have a genuine copy of WindowsVista installed. Also note that if you have a prior version of SP1 Beta installed, you must uninstall it prior to installing RC.
Windows lives and dies by its service packs. I can’t recall the last initial release of any Windows product that didn’t have at least some problems. Microsoft has often used the service packs for some serious after-release polishing of the OS. In the case of Windows XP, the first service pack made a difference in speed and software compatibility, with a few nods to security. But XP really took off with the release of Service Pack 2 (SP2)—effectively a rethinking of the entire security underpinning of the OS that bought Microsoft extra time to get Vista ready for release. Now, roughly nine months after Vista started hitting desktops, Service Pack 1 (SP1) has started its beta run. The latest iteration of the SP1 beta, which is closed to the public, reveals a useful set of OS updates, but one that’s not as critical as SP2 was for XP.”


Download Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 (SP1) Integrated (Slipstream) x86 English DVD Image (Official MSDN Version) with Torrent

Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 integrated or
slipstreamed has been released on Microsoft Developers
Network for free download by MSDN subscribers.

The torrent will download
with the size of 2.62 GB (2,816,635,857 bytes) and info hash of 1de3413f5c64b1de6a23b3edbdc53f542aff61c3,
which when unzip and unpack will reveal the actual ISO file - en_windows_vista_with_service_pack_1_x86_dvd_x14-29594.
iso with the following file characteristics and details.

SHA1: bcd715a02739809e477c726ae4b5caa914156429
MD5: b09267740ddd1a08d80b04ec6bbc232a
Size: 2943 MB

or from here
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