Ion Exchange and Solvent Extraction- Volume 16


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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم​

Ion Exchange and Solvent Extraction: A Series of Advances​

  • Publisher: CRC
    Number Of Pages: 378
    Publication Date: 2004-02-01
    ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0824754891
    ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780824754891​
  • Binding: Hardcover​
Book Description:​

Reflecting the sustained and diverse experimental momentum in the field of ion exchange, Volume 16 summarizes revolutionary advances on par with the consistently high-level research related by this series. This text discusses the kinetics, theoretical models, experimental results/supporting data, and applications for isothermal supersaturation, metal separation via pH-induced parametric pumping, and for ultrapure water (UPW). Topics also include the engineering of activated carbons and carbonaceous materials for removal of metal ions; hydrophobic ionizable organic compounds (HIOCs); the sorption/desorption mechanisms of organic micropollutants in water; and ion exchange process variables on perchlorate treatment.​

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