فهرس الموسوعات الكيميائية

ابن العراق

مشرف قسم الهندسة الكيميائية و الكيمياء العامة
طاقم الإدارة

فهرس الموسوعات الكيميائية

(27 Volume CDrom Set)


Price: $12,000.00

Price: $8,190.00

by Colin F. Poole (Editor), Michael Cooke (Editor), Ian D. WilsonEditor

By Herman F. Mark
Price: $2,806.28

Price: $149.95

The Merck Index Version 13 CD-ROM
by Merck

Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology

(27 Volume CDrom Set)


About Kirk-Othmer ECT
Overview of Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology

An unrivalled library of information for the chemical industry.
The Fourth Edition is a complete revision of the previous edition and includes many
new subjects reflecting the growth and changes in chemical technology through the 1990s.
It consists of 27 volumes. In addition to updating traditional subjects, the new edition includes expanded coverage
of biotechnology, materials science, computer technology, energy sources and conversion techniques,
and environmental issues such as pollution control, toxicology, and recycling technology.
The Fourth Edition brings together over 1200 articles by recognized experts in their areas of
chemical technology, and deals with industrial products, natural materials, and processes in such
fields as: agricultural chemicals, biotechnology, chemical engineering, coatings and inks,
composite materials, computers in chemical technology, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals,
dyes, pigments and brighteners, ecology and industrial hygiene, energy conservation
and technology, fats and waxes, fermentation and enzyme technology, fibres, textiles
and leather, food and animal nutrition, fossil fuels and derivatives, glass, ceramics
and cement, industrial inorganic chemicals, industrial organic chemicals, metals,
metallurgy and metal alloys, plastics and elastomers, semiconductors and electronic
materials, surfactants, detergents and emulsion technology, water supply, purification
and reuse, wood, paper, and industrial carbohydrates. It also includes miscellaneous topics:
instrumentation and quality control, information retrieval, maintenance, market research,
material allocation and supply, legal issues, process development and design, product
development and technical service, research and operations management (systems management, networks etc.), and
transportation of chemical products.
Original Volumes Fully Accessible
All the information in the print volumes has been carefully converted to electronic format. The text and tables are captured in full-text and are fully searchable. All of the figures are scanned images, with searchable captions.
In converting this data to electronic format, careful attention was paid to rendering the technical content exactly as it exists in the print volumes. No significant content revisions have been made, only minor corrections and clarifications. In most instances, the numbering of figures, tables, equations, and references should match that in the print volumes; however, the numbering may occasionally deviate because of the structural requirements of the electronic format.
The only significant differences between the print and electronic version are in the function and presentation. The functional features of the DynaText® interface are described in the DynaText® Reader Guide. As in the print volumes, the information content is organized alphabetically, by volume (the primary organizational unit). One major presentation difference between the book and the electronic version is that there are no pages and page numbers in the electronic version.

Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
  • Number Of Pages: 1100
  • Publication Date: 2001-09-20
  • Sales Rank: 3863042
  • ISBN / ASIN: 0471151580
  • EAN: 9780471151586
  • Binding: CD-ROM
List Price: $12,000.00
Book Description:
The Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology presents a wide scope of articles on chemical substances, their manufacturing and uses, industrial processes, unit operations in chemical engineering, and on fundamentals and scientific subjects related to the field. The Fourth Edition of the encyclopedia is built on the solid foundation of the previous editions and also reflects advances of the 21st century.

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  • Publisher: Wiley-VCH
  • Number Of Pages: 30080
  • Publication Date: 2003-02-21
  • Sales Rank: 2698081
  • ISBN / ASIN: 3527303855
  • EAN: 9783527303854
  • Binding: Hardcover
List Price: $8,190.00

Book Description:
89 years of expertise in applied and industrial chemistry - Ullmann's is back in print!
Generations of chemists and engineers have relied on the well structured and trusted information from Ullmann's Encyclopedia - and you still can count on Ullmann's with the current 6th edition in print.
Ullmann's is a synonym for the world's most current and trustworthy knowledge in everything that relates to the chemical industry, be it processes, chemicals, products, analytical chemistry, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology..........you name it, Ullmann's has it - well over 800 articles on over 30 000 printed pages in 40 volumes. Organized in alphabetical order, the chapters are easy to read and excellent starting points to introduce you to any topic. Over 15 000 tables and 25 000 figures (some of them in color) make it easy for you to quickly find what you are looking for. Countless literature and patent references guide you to the relevant and accessible primary literature. Numerous cross-references point you to relevant chapters in the same context and a well organized index volume enables searching for keywords. Finding what you need is very simple indeed and you won't have to ask for a user's manual for this massive work!
Supervised by an internationally acclaimed advisory board, the articles are written by over 3000 international experts from industry and universities, thoroughly edited to uniform style and layout in an in-house office. All figures are re-drawn to give a maximum of clarity and uniformity in style. Compared to the prior edition, almost 600f the material has either been newly written or thoroughly updated. The rest has been checked for validity and newer references have been added throughout.


Use Hjsplit to join files. and extract it. It is software which enables to browse/search content over whole encyclopedia
  • Number Of Pages: 4500
  • Publication Date: 2000-08
  • Sales Rank: 3228038
  • ISBN / ASIN: 0122267702
  • EAN: 9780122267703
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Manufacturer: Academic Press
  • List Price: $3,995.00
Book Description:

The Encyclopedia of Separation Science is the most comprehensive resource available on the theory, techniques, and applications of separation science. The work presents information on three levels. The first volume contains Level 1, which provides a broad overview of the theory of the 12 main categories of separation techniques. Volumes 2-4 (Level 2) expand coverage with detailed theoretical and technical descriptions of particular techniques. The remaining Volumes 5-9 (Level 3) cover applications of these techniques from the micro to the macro, and also from the analytical laboratory bench to large-scale industrial processes. Volume 10 consists mainly of the index. Initial access to the online version offering extensive hypertext linking and advanced search tools is available with purchase. Ongoing access is maintained for a minimum annual fee.
The Encyclopedia of Separation Science is the first truly comprehensive work covering the whole of separation theory, methods, and techniques. This encyclopedia will be invaluable to researchers and professionals across a wide range of areas in academia and industry.

Enclyclopedia of Separation Science is available online via ScienceDirect offering enhanced features such as extensive cross-referencing and dynamic linking. For more information please

Key Features
* Written by experts from both academic and industrial settings worldwide
* Includes 544 articles, covering 12 methods of separation:
* Affinity/Biotechnology
* Centrifugation
* Chromatography
* Crystallization
* Distillation
* Electrophoresis
* Extraction
* Flotation
* Ion exchange
* Mass spectrometry
* Membrane separations
* Particle size separation
* Allows easy access to the primary literature with further reading lists in each article
* Provides extensive cross-referencing (hyperlinks in the electronic version)
* Dedicates one entire volume to the detailed index
* Includes many figures and tables illustrating the text and a color plate section in each volume
* Initial access to the innovative online version included with purchase;Ongoing access is maintained for a minimum annual fee​



By Herman F. Mark


  • Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
  • Number Of Pages:
  • Publication Date: 2004-10-21
  • Sales Rank: 4256907
  • ISBN / ASIN: 0471275077
  • EAN: 9780471275077

Book Description:

This completely new Third Edition of the Mark Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology brings the state-of-the-art to the twenty-first century, with coverage of nanotechnology, new imaging and analytical techniques, new methods of controlled polymer architecture, biomimetics, and more. Whereas earlier editions published one volume at a time, the third edition is being published in three parts of four volumes each. Each of these four-volume parts provides an A-Z selection of the latest in polymer science and technology as published in the updated online edition of the Mark Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology.




  • Publisher: Academic Press
  • Number Of Pages: 3000
  • Publication Date: 2004-10-20
  • Sales Rank: 1959456
  • ISBN / ASIN: 0124437109
  • EAN: 9780124437104
  • Binding: Hardcover
List Price: $1,330.00

Book Description:

Written for a broad, cross-disciplinary audience, the Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry addresses the fundamental discipline of biological chemistry underlying virtually all of the life sciences. This compilation of more than 500 different entries encompasses all aspects of biochemistry, as well as the extensions of this subject into the related fields of molecular biology, cell biology, genetics and biophysics. This comprehensive encyclopedia covers all areas of biological chemistry written by more than 500 selected international experts. Articles are generously illustrated including more than 800 images in four-color. Each entry contains a clear, concise review of the topic along with illustrations, a glossary of technical terms and a section for additional reading.

Each entry further contains general background and term definitions as well as a comprehensive review of the current research in the field. Students, science journalists and scientists seeking a concise introduction to specific topics will appreciate the clear, tabular format of each entry.

Also available online via ScienceDirect featuring extensive browsing, searching, and internal cross-referencing between articles in the work, plus dynamic linking to journal articles and abstract databases, making navigation flexible and easy. For more information, pricing options and availability visit www.info.sciencedirect.com.

*Four-volume set with topics arranged from A to Z for easy reference

*Seven subject areas covering all areas of biological chemistry

*Over 500 full-color articles of 4-9 pages each

*Over 1300 illustrations throughout with 800 in 4-color and over 200 tables

*Glossary of specialized terms and 'Further Reading' section provided for every article

*Includes entries on the latest research techniques

*Appropriate for students, researchers, and professionals

  • Number Of Pages:
  • Publication Date: 2004-10-21
  • Sales Rank: 4256907
  • ISBN / ASIN: 0471275077
  • EAN: 9780471275077
  • Binding: Hardcover
List Price:$2,806.28
Book Description:

This completely new Third Edition of the Mark Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology brings the state-of-the-art to the twenty-first century, with coverage of nanotechnology, new imaging and analytical techniques, new methods of controlled polymer architecture, biomimetics, and more. Whereas earlier editions published one volume at a time, the third edition is being published in three parts of four volumes each. Each of these four-volume parts provides an A-Z selection of the latest in polymer science and technology as published in the updated online edition of the Mark Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology.




  • Number Of Pages: 320
  • Publication Date: 1999-02-26
  • Sales Rank: 1071006
  • ISBN / ASIN: 0849312051
  • EAN: 9780849312052
  • Binding: Hardcover
List Price: $149.95

Book Description:

This reference provides concise descriptions of those chemical processes that are known by special names which are not obvious or self-explanatory. Containing 2,600 entries, this second edition includes information on the many new processes developed and commercialized, as well as new information on old processes.Encyclopedic Dictionary of Named Processes in Chemical Technology presents a heterogeneous collection of names- inventors, companies, institutions, places, acronyms, abbreviations, and obvious corruptions-of the chemical nomenclature. The author has tailored the entries to reflect importance and topicality. Generally, the processes in current use have the longest entries, however, he also devotes more space to some obsolete processes that hold particular technical interest or historical significance.The appendix is an index to product names, enabling readers to identify processes used for making particular products.


The Merck Index Version 13 CD-ROM

Publisher: Wiley
Number Of Pages:
Publication Date: 2006-06-30
Sales Rank: 1271824
ISBN / ASIN: 0471744018
EAN: 9780471744016
Binding: CD-ROM
Detailed description
The Merck Index Version 13.4 CD-ROM (Academic) is a single electronic reference of chemicals, drugs and biologically active molecules that includes more than 10,250 original monographs from the 13th edition, 540 monographs from the printed 12th edition, and 230 new monographs from the to-be published 14th edition. As in the printed edition for which the CD-ROM serves as an essential supplement, each monograph is a concise description of a single substance or a small group of closely related compounds. Information about these compounds includes:
* Names and synonyms
* Physical properties
* Preparations
* Therapeutic uses
* 420 Organic Name Reactions
* Over 60 pages of supplemental tables

Search capabilities in the CD-ROM version serve as a comprehensive extension to that of the print version. Instead of simply searching individually within categories such as CAS RN, Formula, and Therapuetic Category, a user can simultaneously explore various categories using search specifics like Structure, Full Text, and Name. Additionally, searches can be narrowed down further by using the references, properties, derivatives, and therapuetic category fields, to name a few.

The Merck Index Version 13.4 CD ROM also allows the user to conduct on-screen investigation by searching and browsing the Organic Name Reaction component of the CD. It provides effective visual aids with a wealth of supplementary tables as easy-to-access PDF files.


password: gigapedia

http://rapidshare.com/files/30503875/Merck13.part8 .rar
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http://rapidshare.com/files/30481689/Merck13.part4 .rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/30471014/Merck13.part3 .rar
http://rapidshare.com/files/30467877/Merck13.part2 .rar

(27 Volume CDrom Set)


About Kirk-Othmer ECT
Overview of Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology

An unrivalled library of information for the chemical industry.
The Fourth Edition is a complete revision of the previous edition and includes many
new subjects reflecting the growth and changes in chemical technology through the 1990s.
It consists of 27 volumes. In addition to updating traditional subjects, the new edition includes expanded coverage
of biotechnology, materials science, computer technology, energy sources and conversion techniques,
and environmental issues such as pollution control, toxicology, and recycling technology.
The Fourth Edition brings together over 1200 articles by recognized experts in their areas of
chemical technology, and deals with industrial products, natural materials, and processes in such
fields as: agricultural chemicals, biotechnology, chemical engineering, coatings and inks,
composite materials, computers in chemical technology, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals,
dyes, pigments and brighteners, ecology and industrial hygiene, energy conservation
and technology, fats and waxes, fermentation and enzyme technology, fibres, textiles
and leather, food and animal nutrition, fossil fuels and derivatives, glass, ceramics
and cement, industrial inorganic chemicals, industrial organic chemicals, metals,
metallurgy and metal alloys, plastics and elastomers, semiconductors and electronic
materials, surfactants, detergents and emulsion technology, water supply, purification
and reuse, wood, paper, and industrial carbohydrates. It also includes miscellaneous topics:
instrumentation and quality control, information retrieval, maintenance, market research,
material allocation and supply, legal issues, process development and design, product
development and technical service, research and operations management (systems management, networks etc.), and
transportation of chemical products.
Original Volumes Fully Accessible
All the information in the print volumes has been carefully converted to electronic format. The text and tables are captured in full-text and are fully searchable. All of the figures are scanned images, with searchable captions.
In converting this data to electronic format, careful attention was paid to rendering the technical content exactly as it exists in the print volumes. No significant content revisions have been made, only minor corrections and clarifications. In most instances, the numbering of figures, tables, equations, and references should match that in the print volumes; however, the numbering may occasionally deviate because of the structural requirements of the electronic format.
The only significant differences between the print and electronic version are in the function and presentation. The functional features of the DynaText® interface are described in the DynaText® Reader Guide. As in the print volumes, the information content is organized alphabetically, by volume (the primary organizational unit). One major presentation difference between the book and the electronic version is that there are no pages and page numbers in the electronic version.

Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
  • Number Of Pages: 1100
  • Publication Date: 2001-09-20
  • Sales Rank: 3863042
  • ISBN / ASIN: 0471151580
  • EAN: 9780471151586
  • Binding: CD-ROM
List Price: $12,000.00
Book Description:
The Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology presents a wide scope of articles on chemical substances, their manufacturing and uses, industrial processes, unit operations in chemical engineering, and on fundamentals and scientific subjects related to the field. The Fourth Edition of the encyclopedia is built on the solid foundation of the previous editions and also reflects advances of the 21st century.

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