ieee chaos and communication papers


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find below mor than 90 papers downloaded from IEEExplore about chaos application onsecure communication

السلام عليكم,ارجو مساعدتي في ايجاد ةزه ال papers:
Rev Neurol. 2003 Feb;36 Suppl 1:S79-84. Links

[The role played by parents in the development and learning of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder]
PMID: 12599107 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Rev Neurol. 2008;46 Suppl 1:S43-5. Links

[Grounds for a multi-component programme for counselling families with children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder]
PMID: 18302121 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2001 Apr;40(4):402-8. Links

Parent-based therapies for preschool attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a randomized, controlled trial with a community sample.

و شكراز
السلام عليكم,ارجو مساعدتي في ايجاد ال papers
A multisensor image fusion and enhancement system for assisting drivers in poor lighting conditions
Li Tao Hau Ngo Ming Zhang Livingston, A. Asari, V.
Dept. of Electr. & Comput. Eng., Old Dominion Univ., Norfolk, VA

Advances in low-power visible/thermal IR video image fusion hardware

Proc. SPIE, Vol. 5782, 54 (2005); doi:10.1117/12.603655

Online Publication Date: 5 April 2005

Conference Date: Tuesday 29 March 2005
Conference Location: Orlando, FL, USA
Conference Title: Thermosense XXVII
Conference Chairs: G. Raymond Peacock, Douglas D. Burleigh, Jonathan J. Miles
A parameterizable HandelC divider generator for FPGAs with embedded hardware multipliers
Hopf, J.

Adv. Comput. Res. Centre, South Australia Univ., Mawson Lakes, SA, Australia;
1.Frequency synchronization for multi input multi output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems
Abdullah, A.; Khan, S.A.;
7Internet, 2009. AH-ICI 2009. First Asian Himalayas International Conference on
3-5 Nov. 2009 Page(s):1 - 6
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/AHICI.2009.5340302

2.Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation in MIMO OFDM Systems
Li-Ming He
Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2008. WiCOM apos;08. 4th International Conference on
Volume , Issue , 12-14 Oct. 2008 Page(s):1 – 4

3.Research and Simulation of MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communication System
Jiang Xuehua; Chen Peijiang;
Information Technology and Applications, 2009. IFITA '09. International Forum on
Volume 1, 15-17 May 2009 Page(s):83 - 86
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/IFITA.2009.514

4. Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation for Multi-User MIMO OFDM Uplink Using CAZAC Sequences
Yan Wu; Attallah, S.; Bergmans, J.W.M.;
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2009. WCNC 2009. IEEE

5.Sampling Frequency Offset Estimation for MIMO OFDM Systems
Cheng Zhang; Kuang Wang; Yang Wang; Yuanxin Xu; Jianxiao Yang;
Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2008. WiCOM '08. 4th International Conference on
12-14 Oct. 2008 Page(s):1 - 4
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/WiCom.2008.144

6.Carrier Frequency Offset Compensation for Distributed MIMO OFDM Systems
Kai Deng; Youxi Tang; Ke Sun; Huajiong Lin;
Vehicular Technology Conference, 2008. VTC 2008-Fall. IEEE 68th
21-24 Sept. 2008 Page(s):1 - 4
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/VETECF.2008.282

Summary: This paper focuses on the compensation of carrier frequency offsets (CFO) in multi-input multi-output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems with distributed transmit antennas, where the CFOs are possibly different for each
7.Study and Implementation of MIMO-OFDM System Based on Matlab

Jiang Xuehua; Chen Peijiang
Information Technology and Computer Science, 2009. ITCS 2009. International Conference on
Volume 1, Issue , 25-26 July 2009 Page(s):554 - 557
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ITCS.2009.120
السلام عليكم,ارجو مساعدتي في ايجاد ال papers
.Frequency synchronization for multi input multi output orthogonal frequency division multiplexing systems
Abdullah, A.; Khan, S.A.;
7Internet, 2009. AH-ICI 2009. First Asian Himalayas International Conference on
3-5 Nov. 2009 Page(s):1 - 6
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/AHICI.2009.5340302

2.Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation in MIMO OFDM Systems
Li-Ming He
Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2008. WiCOM apos;08. 4th International Conference on
Volume , Issue , 12-14 Oct. 2008 Page(s):1 – 4

3.Research and Simulation of MIMO-OFDM Wireless Communication System
Jiang Xuehua; Chen Peijiang;
Information Technology and Applications, 2009. IFITA '09. International Forum on
Volume 1, 15-17 May 2009 Page(s):83 - 86
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/IFITA.2009.514

4. Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation for Multi-User MIMO OFDM Uplink Using CAZAC Sequences
Yan Wu; Attallah, S.; Bergmans, J.W.M.;
Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2009. WCNC 2009. IEEE

5.Sampling Frequency Offset Estimation for MIMO OFDM Systems
Cheng Zhang; Kuang Wang; Yang Wang; Yuanxin Xu; Jianxiao Yang;
Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2008. WiCOM '08. 4th International Conference on
12-14 Oct. 2008 Page(s):1 - 4
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/WiCom.2008.144

6.Carrier Frequency Offset Compensation for Distributed MIMO OFDM Systems
Kai Deng; Youxi Tang; Ke Sun; Huajiong Lin;
Vehicular Technology Conference, 2008. VTC 2008-Fall. IEEE 68th
21-24 Sept. 2008 Page(s):1 - 4
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/VETECF.2008.282

Summary: This paper focuses on the compensation of carrier frequency offsets (CFO) in multi-input multi-output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems with distributed transmit antennas, where the CFOs are possibly different for each
7.Study and Implementation of MIMO-OFDM System Based on Matlab

Jiang Xuehua; Chen Peijiang
Information Technology and Computer Science, 2009. ITCS 2009. International Conference on
Volume 1, Issue , 25-26 July 2009 Page(s):554 - 557
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ITCS.2009.120

ارجو المساعدة في تأمين هذه المقالة لوسمحتمesign and implementation of a Web-based distance PLC laboratory
Wei-Fu Chang; Yu-Chi Wu; Chui-Wen Chiu; Wen-Ching Yu
System Theory, 2003. Proceedings of the 35th Southeastern Symposium on
Volume , Issue , 16-18 March 2003 Page(s): 326 - 329
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ارجو المساعدة في تأمين هذه المقالة لو سمحتم من ieee وهي:

Design and implementation of a Web-based distance PLC laboratory
Wei-Fu Chang; Yu-Chi Wu; Chui-Wen Chiu; Wen-Ching Yu
System Theory, 2003. Proceedings of the 35th Southeastern Symposium on
Volume , Issue , 16-18 March 2003 Page(s): 326 - 329
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