Webroot Desktop Firewall1.3.0.52جدار ناري قوي من نفس الشركة المصنعة لبرنامجspysweeper

Arabian Knight

New Member
جهاز بدون جدار ناري هو فريسة سهلة للهاكرز و الفايروسات و التروجنز

قم بتحميل هذا الجدار الناري من شركة webroot العريقة
و اضمن راحة البال أثناء تصفح الإنترنت

Webroot Desktop Firewall


A computer without a firewall is easy prey for hackers, worms, remote access Trojans and other online threats. Anti-spyware and virus protection are only a part of any security solution. A firewall is a critical component, and Desktop Firewall secures your computer from Internet threats and reduces the risks of being a victim of online crimes.

Designed for novices and experts alike, Webroot Desktop Firewall is the gatekeeper to your PC
- Monitors Internet traffic in and out of your PC for better protection
- "Hides" your PC from online scammers looking for easy targets
- Prevents remote access Trojans from hijacking your PC

What's New in Version 1.3
- PC Lock Down immediately stops traffic in and out of your PC for added protection
- File and printer sharing protection on your local area network for greater flexibility
- Comprehensive event logs record in- and outbound online activities for in-depth review

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  • arabian knight.txt
    199 بايت · المشاهدات: 7
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