الســــلام عليكـــم و رحمــــة الله و بركـــاتــــه
Avira Premium Security Suite
من البرامج الرااائعة في الحماية من جميع انواع الفيروسات و التروجان و الديدان و الملفات الضارة
و ملفات التجسس بحيث يوفر لك الحماية الكاملة لجهازك و هو يتميز بالخفة في العمل و القوة
في القضاء على الفيروسات هذا آخر اصدار للبرنامج حتى الآن......
Avira presents the Premium Security Suite with integrated firewall! Complete security for workstations!
The repeatedly awarded and worldwide used virus and malware protection by over 30 million users now also with WebGuard!
Avira is a German antivirus software company. Its antivirus applications are based on the AntiVir antivirus engine, first launched in 1988. It was called "H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH" when it was founded. One of the antivirus software, AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic, is free for personal usage.
Avira is launching a new, comprehensive protection package for end-users as well as small offices and home workers: the Avira Premium Security Suite is a combination of Avira’s brand-new firewall and the proven anti-virus software AntiVir PersonalEdition Premium. Even less experienced users can cope with the numerous security threats from the Internet with the central, intuitively operated user interface of the Suite.
Premium Protection:
* AntiVir
* AntiAdware
* AntiSpyware
* AntiDialer
* AntiPhishing
* Rootkit protection
* EmailScanner
* FireWall
اصدار البرنــامــج:Avira Premium Security Suite
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