الســــلام عليكـــم و رحمــــة الله و بركـــاتــــه

Real Spy Monitor 2.81

برنامج رائع لحماية افراد عائلتك و مراقبتهم اثناء تصفحهم للانترنت و عملهم على الجهاز بحيث يقوم بتسجيل
المواقع التي تم زيارتها كما يقوم بتسجيل المحادثات في غرف الدردشة و يقوم ايضا بحفظ جميع التطبيقات للبرامج
التي تم تشغيلها كما يقوم ايضا التقاط صور لصطح المكتب و هناك المزيد من الوظائف الاخرى
ليعطيك الحماية الشاملة لافراد عائلتك اثناء تصفحهم للانترنت هذا آخر اصدار للبرنامج حتى الآن.....
Real Spy Monitor can monitor all PC activity including keystrokes typed, web sites visited, windows opened, program executed, screen snapshots, files/docs accessed and more. It can also record instant messenger conversations including AOL, ICQ, MSN, AIM, Yahoo Messenger, and capture web mail content from MSN, Hotmail, and Yahoo. The program can run in semi-stealth mode (visible in Task Manager) and automatically send logs to a specified email address. Additional features include screenshot capture and content filtering. The program does not include any documentation. Because it is sold commercially, most anti-virus vendors do not detect them. The most common form of a commercial monitoring tool comes in the form of a keystroke logger, which intercepts keystrokes from the keyboard and records them in some form of a log. This can then be sent to whoever installed the keystroke logger, or keylogger, onto the machine.
Worried about how your PC is being used? Want to keep tabs on your children, spouse, employees? Need to Prevent your children or employee from some application or web sites? Real Spy Monitor is the full solution for you
اصدار البرنــامــج:Real Spy Monitor 2.81
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