Computer-Aided Molecular Design: Theory and Applications


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Computer-Aided Molecular Design: Theory and Applications​


Jean-Pierre Doucet / Jacques Weber, «Computer-Aided Molecular Design: Theory and Applications»
Academic Press | ISBN: 0122212851 | 1996-03-14 | 487 pages | PDF | 27 Mb​

The computer-aided design of novel molecular systems has undoubtedly reached the stage of a mature discipline offering a broad range of tools available to virtually any chemist. However, there are few books coveringmost of these techniques in a single volume and using a language which may generally be understood by students or chemists with a limited knowledge of theoretical chemistry. The purpose of this book is precisely to review, in such a language, both methodological aspects and important applications of computer-aided molecular design (CAMD), with a special emphasis on drug design and protein modeling.​

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