Heat Transfer


مشرف الفيزياء
طاقم الإدارة
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
هذه مجموعة من الكتب المتعلقة في الموضوع
Heat Transfer Handbook
By Adrian Bejan, Allan D. Kraus


Chapters contributed bythirty world-renown experts* Covers all aspects of heat transfer, including micro-scale and heat transferin electronic equipment
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
Number Of Pages: 1496
Publication Date: 2003-06-30


Handbook of Heat Transfer
By Warren M. Rohsenow, James P. Hartnett, Young I. Cho

Book Description
This wholly revised edition of a classic handbook reference, written by some of the most eminent practitioners in the field, is designed to be your all-in-one source book on heat transfer issues and problem-solving. It includes the latest advances in the field, as well as covering subjects from microscale heat transfer to thermophysical properties of new refrigerants. An invaluable guide to this most crucial factor in virtually every industrial and environmental process

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
Number Of Pages:
Publication Date:

Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach with EES CD
by Yunus A. Cengel, Yunus Cengel

Book Description
McGraw-Hill science/Engineering/Math
Number Of Pages: 896
Publication Date: 2002-10-17

Anderson, Dale A. Computational fluid mechanics and heat transfer
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للاسف روابط الكتاب قد ازيلت .... اتمنى ان اجد غيرها .... ان وجدت سارفعها مباشرة ان شاء الله
أخوتي تم تفعيل الروابط
كل ال
شكر لأخي "الأبراهيمي"
