Elements of Molecular Symmetry


مشرف بالجامعة

Elements of Molecular Symmetry</SPAN>
By Yngve Öhrn

Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
Number Of Pages: 304
Publication Date: 2000-01-24

Book Description:

A unique, much-needed introduction to molecular symmetry and group theory Elements of Molecular Symmetry takes the topic of group theory a step further than most books, presenting a quantum chemistry treatment useful for computational, quantum, physical, and inorganic chemists alike. Clearly explaining how general groups and group algebra describe molecules, Yngve Öhrn first develops the theory, then provides coverage not only for point groups, but also permutation groups, space groups, and Lie groups. With over three decades of teaching experience, Dr. Öhrn brings to the discussion unprecedented depth and clarity, incorporating rigorous topics at a level accessible to anyone with basic knowledge of calculus and algebra. This unique and timely book:


بارك الله خيرا :)

انه النعاس
(yawn)!!! اليس كذلك يا maery؟|-)
سبحان من لا يسهو ولا ينسى ولا ينام
بارك الله خيرا!!
عفوا.. اقصد جزاكم الله فيكم...!
فعلا اخي ههههههههه :D
جزاك الله خيرا وبارك فيك واكثر من امثالك :)
شكرا لك اخي ابنهم ... صارقسم الكيمياء ممل ولايوجد جديد .. بالمناسبة
من اي البلاد انت ؟؟ او من اي جامعة؟؟8)