كيمياء غير عضوية Synthetic Coordination and Organometallic chemistry


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Synthetic Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry


Synthetic Coordination and Organometallic chemistry
By Alexandr D. Garnovskii, Boris I. Kharissov

Publisher: CRC
Publication Date: 2003-04-25

Book Description:

This reference describes standard and nonstandard coordination modes of ligands in complexes, the intricacies of polyhedron-programmed and regioselective synthesis, and the controlled creation of coordination compounds such as molecular and hn-p-complexes, chelates, and homo- and hetero-nuclear compounds. It offers a clear and concise review of modern synthetic techniques of metal complexes as well as lesser known gas- and solid-phase synthesis, electrosynthesis, and [FONT=arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif]important [FONT=arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif]microwave[/FONT][/FONT] and ultrasonic treatment of the reaction system. The authors pay special attention to o-hydroxyazomethines and their S-, Se-containing analogues, b-diketones, and quinines, among others, and examine the immediate interaction of ligands and metal salts or carbonyls.

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