بدون تعليق

محمد الجزائري 22

مشرف بكلية العلومصقر كتاب العرب
السلام عليكم

جاء في العدد الاخير من مجلة :" The New York Review of BooKs" ما يلي :

سيد البيت الابيض يلعب الرقم 10 في اسرئيل ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

Volume 55, Number 2 · February 14,2008


Ehud Olmert and George W. Bush in Jerusalem
January 9, 2008​

Olmert Israel :the change

By Amos Elon
Israel under Ehud Olmert is not what it was under Ariel Sharon, at least in tone. Sharon was a soldier who spent much of his life fighting the Arabs. Olmert is a suave corporate lawyer, a deal maker, a political operator. Sharon supported the "Greater Israel" movement. Olmert's idea of Israel is not the replay of a biblical vision but a secular modern state with a booming economy, integrated into global commerce and closely linked to Europe. This does not mesh well with what God and Abraham discussed
in the Bronze Age.​

بدون تعليق
مرحبا بـ ( اسماعيلوا ) نجم كلية العلوم
أما الخبر فعلى ما فهمته أن الأمريكان عملاء لليهود ( هذا شئ اساسى ولا يحتاج لاستدلال ) :)
ويكفينا قوله تعالى ( والذين كفروا بعضهم أولياء بعض )

تحية إليك
daer brother ismailo
I didn’t see anything about George W. Bush in this subject me by in Saied the New York Review of Books
In this paragraph just they compare between Ehud Olmert and Ariel Sharon
May Allah rewards you the best in your life and grant you the paradise
My best wishes and regards