chemistry books V


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Fine Chemicals: The Industry and the Business
By Peter, PhD Pollak ,
Wiley-Interscience (March 23, 2007)

An in-depth view of the fine chemicals industry–the products, the markets, the technology, and the key players. Get an insider’s unique perspective on the fine chemicals industry, from both a technological and a commercial viewpoint. Employees, suppliers, consumers, investors, students and educators, media representatives, public officials, and anyone else with an interest in fine chemicals will find valuable information and concrete examples to help explain the intricacies of the industry. Author Dr. Peter Pollak, one of the foremost authorities in the field, examines not only where the industry is now, but also where it is heading.


Activation of Small Molecules: Organometallic and Bioinorganic Perspectives
By William Tolman
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; 1 edition (January 2, 2007

The first to combine both the bioinorganic and the organometallic view, this handbook provides all the necessary knowledge in one convenient volume. Alongside a look at CO2 and N2 reduction, the authors discuss O2, NO and N2O binding and reduction, activation of H2 and the oxidation catalysis of O2


Quaternary Ammonium Salts (Best Synthetic Methods)”
By R. Alan Jones,
Academic Press; 1st edition (January 2001)

This text provides experimental methods for a wide range of organic reactions, systematically arranged according to reaction type, and describes the advantages and limitations of the procedures. Traditional methods to speed up organic reactions involve energy-consuming processes and costly and environmentally “unfriendly” solvents. Additionally, isolation of the product requires energy and time-consuming purification processes. A simple solution, especially for reactions involving anionic reactants, is the use of phase-transfer catalysis. Quaternary ammonium cations have the ability to transfer the anionic reactants as non-solvated ion-pairs from aqueous media into organic media. The resultant effect is to increase the rate of the organic reaction by enhancing the reactivity of the anionic species and increasing the encounter rate with the organic substrate. Side reactions are frequently eliminated so that the overall yield of the desired product is increased.

Quaternary Ammonium Salts presents procedures for reducing reaction times and the need for extreme conditions, which are frequently encountered under standard reaction procedures.

This is the only book to be published on quaternary ammonium salts. Best Synthetic Methods volumes allow the practicing synthetic chemist to choose between all the alternatives and assess their real advantages and limitations. Each volume of the series deals with a particular topic from a practical point of view, giving detailed examples and precise experimental directions and hints. With the emphasis on laboratory use, these volumes represent a comprehensive and practical guide to modern synthetic organic chemistry.

Materials Chemistry
By Bradley D. Fahlman,

Springer; 1 edition (August 8, 2007)
Materials Chemistry is the first textbook that describes the structure vs. property relationship of all major classes of materials. This book will be suitable for both graduate and advanced undergraduate students, as well as industrial scientists wishing to learn more about particular classes of materials. Many illustrations and detailed bibliographies are provided throughout, as well as special sections that describe emerging applications and pose thought-provoking questions — all designed to foster student-instructor interactions. Laboratory modules that offer a “hands-on” approach for the study of materials are also provided.

Novel Compounds From Natural Products In The New Millennium: Potential And Challenges
by Benny K. H. Tan (Editor), Boon-Huat Bay (Editor), Yi-Zhun Zhu (Editor
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company (October 28, 2004)

There is continuing interest in natural products as sources of potentially new and exciting chemical compounds. This book brings together the knowledge, perspectives and research findings of a varied group of scientists on a wide range of topics, from microarrays, genetics and bioinformatics to yeast-based technologies and enzyme studies. Scientists and clinicians in life science research will find useful information on new research techniques and tools. For the agriculturist, there is interesting information on the potential and problems of natural-based pesticides. The cancer researcher will find several plant sources with potential anti-cancer and immunomodulating compounds, as well as a report on two new modalities in cancer therapy — photosensitization with hypericin and immunotherapy. Latest developments of Chinese herbal extracts reported in this book may offer a new alternative therapy in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the later chapters awaken the would-be entrepreneur to the opportunities and challenges of research and development in the natural product industry, with the concluding chapter providing helpful insights into Intellectual Property La

Valid Analytical Methods and ProceduresBy C. Burgess
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
Publication Date: 2001-06-28
Book Description:
This handbook attempts to select or define robust procedures that ensure the best use of resources and enable laboratories to generate consistent, reliable data. Written in concise, easy-to-read language and illustrated with worked examples, it is a guide to current best practice and establishes a control framework for the development and validation of laboratory-based analytical methods. Topics include samples and sampling, method selection, equipment calibration and qualification, method development and validation, evaluation of data and statistical approaches for method performance and comparison.


A Complete Introduction to Modern NMR Spectroscopy
By Roger S. Macomber
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
Publication Date: 1998-01-15
Book Description:

Clear, accessible coverage of modern NMR spectroscopy-for students and professionals in many fields of science

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has made quantum leaps in the last decade, becoming a staple tool in such divergent fields as chemistry, physics, materials science, biology, and medicine. That is why it is essential that scientists working in these areas be fully conversant with current NMR theory and practice.

This down-to-basics text offers a comprehensive, up-to-date treatment of the fundamentals of NMR spectroscopy. Using a straightforward approach that develops all concepts from a rudimentary level without using heavy mathematics, it gives readers the knowledge they need to solve any molecular structure problem from a complete set of NMR data. Topics are illustrated throughout with hundreds of figures and actual spectra. Chapter-end summaries and review problems with answers are included to help reinforce and test understanding of key material.

From NMR studies of biologically important molecules to magnetic resonance imaging, this book serves as an excellent all-around primer on NMR spectroscopic analysis.


Contemporary Aspects of Boron: Chemistry and Biological Applications (Studies in Inorganic Chemistry)
By Hijazi Abu Ali, Valery M Dembitsky, Morris Srebnik
Publisher: Elsevier Science
Book Description:

Contemporary Aspects of Boron: Chemistry and Biological Applications highlights the biological activity and applications of boron containing compounds. The authors specific approach surveys general features of the subject, while exploring new and novel strategies for preparing certain chemical and natural boron products that are of significant substance in medicinal chemistry. For example, cancer treatment is one of the most important issues related to such products. In addition to contributing to the development of new drugs by addressing biological applications in medicinal and industrial fields, the book provides a comprehensive review of the most relevant components that comprise the pharmaceutical, medicinal and environmental applications of boron containing compounds.

* Timely and comprehensive
* Provides new insights to active researchers in the field
* Presents concepts and methods in simple scientific terms


High Performance Liquid Chromatography: Fundamental principles and practice
By W.J. Lough, I.W. Wainer
Publisher: Springer
Publication Date: 1995
Book Description:

High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) has long been recognized as one of the most useful and versatile analytical techniques. It has now progressed from being a highly expensive method of analysis to a routine technique with wide applications. Consequently there is a requirement in many chemistry and chemistry-related courses for students to acquire a detailed understanding of the principles and practice of HPLC. Written in a manner suitable for undergraduate students studying analytical chemistry and learning about chromatographic analytical techniques applied to pharmaceutical analysis, biochemistry and related disciplines, High-performance Liquid Chromatography: Fundamental Principles and Practice introduces the fundamentals of HPLC. Loosely structured in three parts, the text begins with a thorough introduction of the subject and then progresses through the essential knowledge of the instrumentation needed for HPLC. The final part covers with the applications of HPLC in real-world situations. Developed by a team of international experts from a wide cross-section of disciplines, the text is relevant to a wide range of courses.


Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy
by Joseph R. Lakowicz (Author)

Publisher: Springer; Second Edition edition (June 30, 1999

Book Description
`In the second edition of Principles I have attempted to maintain the emphasis on basics, while updating the examples to include more recent results from the literature. There is a new chapter providing an overview of extrinisic fluorophores. The discussion of timeresolved measurements has been expanded to two chapters. Quenching has also been expanded in two chapters. Energy transfer and anisotropy have each been expanded to three chapters. There is also a new chapter on fluorescence sensing. To enhance the usefulness of this book as a textbook, most chapters are followed by a set of problems. Sections which describe advanced topics are indicated as such, to allow these sections to be skipped in an introduction course. Glossaries are provided for commonly used acronyms and mathematical symbols. For those wanting additional informtion, the final appendix contains a list of recommended books which expand on various specialized topics.' from the author's Preface

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Principles of Fluorescence Spectroscopy

by Joseph R. Lakowicz




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