كيمياء تحليلية كتاب: Lewis Acid Reagents: A Practical Approach


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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم​

Lewis Acid Reagents: A Practical Approach​


Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Number Of Pages: 270
Publication Date: 1999-04-15
Sales Rank: 2040740
ISBN / ASIN: 0198500998
EAN: 9780198500995
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Oxford University Press, USA
Studio: Oxford University Press, USA​

Book Description:

Many important Carbon-Carbon bond forming processes are catalyzed by Lewis acid reagents. There are important recent advances in Lewis acid chemistry. A variety of new selective organic syntheses are now available using modified/designed reagents. This book is a comprehensive laboratory guide which will prove invaluable to all organic chemists wishing to use these new Lewis acid reagents in modern organic synthesis. Both new and established chemists will find in this book all the necessary information they need to enable them to exploit these powerful synthetic tools.​

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