System Mechanic Professional v7.1.10.7 Pro لتنظيف و صيانة الجهاز و القضاء على الملفات الضارة و المزي


طاقم الإدارة
الســــلام عليكـــم و رحمــــة الله و بركـــاتــــه

System Mechanic Professional v7.1.10.7 Pro


برنامج في قمة الروعة به العديد من المهـام التي تجعل حاسبك الآلي في احسن حال بحيث يقوم البرنامج
بتنظيف الجهاز من الملفات المؤقتة و يقوم بالقضاء على الملفات الضارة و ملفات التجسس كما يقوم بتصليح الملفات المتضررة
و صيانة الجهـاز و ايضا يمكنه زيادة سرعة الجهـاز و تحسين آداء النظام و هناك الكثير من المهام الأخرى المفيدة
لجهــازك لاهمية البرنامج و روعته قمة بتجزئة البرنامج الى قسمين ليسهل لكم تحميله
هذا آخ اصدار للبرنامج + الكرك شغـــــال لا تدع الفرصة تفوتك.....:)
تم تقسيم البرنامج لقسمين ليسهل لكم تحميله...............:)
System Mechanic Professional to protect against Internet threats, fix PC problems, boost performance, clean out clutter, eliminate spyware, and much more. This award-winning suite incorporates 5 products into one integrated package that will keep your PC safe and running at its peak. In addition to numerous repair and optimization tools, System Mechanic Professional has built-in Internet security, secure data deletion, and data recovery. SYSTEM MECHANIC. System Mechanic breathes new life into old PCs and keeps new ones running as they should. Performance drains, clutter, insufficient security, and corrupted settings can all degrade a PC\'s operation. System Mechanic can remedy all these issues and more: over 30 tools work together to diagnose PC health, optimize settings, repair problems, eliminate spyware, and clean out clutter. Diagnostics keep you informed of your PC\'s condition and generate specific recommendations tailored to your PC\'s needs. IOLO ANTIVIRUS. iolo AntiVirus shields your PC from viruses and other Internet threats, and iolo Personal Firewall controls incoming and outgoing traffic to keep data safe from hackers and identity thieves. These security solutions feature IntelliDefense, which makes informed decisions so you see fewer messages, and hourly antivirus updates that ensure continual protection. SEARCH AND RECOVER. The award-winning Search and Recover recovers lost or deleted files, documents, pictures, music, and more, from computer drives, digital cameras, MP3 players, USB drives, and virtually any portable media. DRIVESCRUBBER. DriveScrubber securely wipes away data, to prevent confidential information from falling into the wrong hands when selling or donating a PC. In addition to erasing all drive contents, DriveScrubber can also wipe only the free space, to delete the remnants of deleted files. With this process, existing files, programs, and the operating system are all left in intact, but any deleted files are unrecoverable.​
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Rich (BB code):
في انتظار ردودكم و استفساراتكم:)
بارك الله فيك غانو​
شكرا لمروركم اختي مسلمة و اخي ابراهيم و اخي المهاجر
مروركم اسعدني كثيرا و شكرا لمن قيم الموضوع :eek: