بحث حول The Many-Body Problem

السلام عليكم
أرغب في الحصول على بحث أو تقرير باللغة العربية حول The Many-Body Problem وأفضل أن يكون باللغة العربية ولكم جزيل الشكر

بالعربي صدقني صعب جداً ليس لاننا لا نعتز بلغتنا بل لان العلم الان في ساحة الغرب ومعظم المراجع انجليزية وكذلك دراستنا.

classical mechanics the.three.body.problem


lecture notes in many body problems

وهذا كتاب عن الميكانيكا الكلاسيكية الهندسية ويعالج مواضيع عدة في مشكلة الاجسام العديدة
Geometric Mechanics: Toward a Unification of Classical Physics

Geometric Mechanics: Toward a Unification of Classical Physics by by Richard Talman
Wiley-VCH | July 27, 2007 | 22nd edition | 605 pages | ISBN:3527406832 | PDF | 3,4 MB | List Price: $175.00 Price: $142.00

Book Description:
For physicists, mechanics is quite obviously geometric, yet the classical approach typically emphasizes abstract, mathematical formalism. Setting out to make mechanics both accessible and interesting for non-mathematicians, Richard Talman uses geometric methods to reveal qualitative aspects of the theory. He introduces concepts from differential geometry, differential forms, and tensor analysis, then applies them to areas of classical mechanics as well as other areas of physics, including optics, crystal diffraction, electromagnetism, relativity, and quantum mechanics. For easy reference, the author treats Lagrangian, Hamiltonian, and Newtonian mechanics separately -- exploring their geometric structure through vector fields, symplectic geometry, and gauge invariance respectively. Practical perturbative methods of approximation are also developed. This second, fully revised edition has been expanded to include new chapters on electromagnetic theory, general relativity, and string theory. 'Geometric Mechanics' features illustrative examples and assumes only basic knowledge of Lagrangian mechanics.




اذا كنت في صدد عمل تقرير عن ال many body problems فهذه المواضيع تفيدك جداً اما اذا كنت في صدد فقط حل مشكلة ميكانيكية عن الاجسام فانصحك باتباع ميكانيكا هاميلتون ولاغرانج فهي ادق.


وبالنسبة لبحثك يجب ان تكون ملم ببعض المهارات الرياضية التي تجدها في الكتاب التالي
Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics
والكتاب موجود في الموضوع التالي وايضاً يوجد كتاب عن حركة الجسم الجاسىء
Rigid Body Mechanics


بالعربي صدقني صعب جداً ليس لاننا لا نعتز بلغتنا بل لان العلم الان في ساحة الغرب ومعظم المراجع انجليزية وكذلك دراستنا.

classical mechanics the.three.body.problem


lecture notes in many body problems
وهذا كتاب عن الميكانيكا الكلاسيكية الهندسية ويعالج مواضيع عدة في مشكلة الاجسام العديدة
Geometric Mechanics: Toward a Unification of Classical Physics

Geometric Mechanics: Toward a Unification of Classical Physics by by Richard Talman
Wiley-VCH | July 27, 2007 | 22nd edition | 605 pages | ISBN:3527406832 | PDF | 3,4 MB | List Price: $175.00 Price: $142.00

Book Description:
For physicists, mechanics is quite obviously geometric, yet the classical approach typically emphasizes abstract, mathematical formalism. Setting out to make mechanics both accessible and interesting for non-mathematicians, Richard Talman uses geometric methods to reveal qualitative aspects of the theory. He introduces concepts from differential geometry, differential forms, and tensor analysis, then applies them to areas of classical mechanics as well as other areas of physics, including optics, crystal diffraction, electromagnetism, relativity, and quantum mechanics. For easy reference, the author treats Lagrangian, Hamiltonian, and Newtonian mechanics separately -- exploring their geometric structure through vector fields, symplectic geometry, and gauge invariance respectively. Practical perturbative methods of approximation are also developed. This second, fully revised edition has been expanded to include new chapters on electromagnetic theory, general relativity, and string theory. 'Geometric Mechanics' features illustrative examples and assumes only basic knowledge of Lagrangian mechanics.




اذا كنت في صدد عمل تقرير عن ال many body problems فهذه المواضيع تفيدك جداً اما اذا كنت في صدد فقط حل مشكلة ميكانيكية عن الاجسام فانصحك باتباع ميكانيكا هاميلتون ولاغرانج فهي ادق.


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