جديد RealPlayer v11.0.1 Build 6.014.794


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هذا هو أحدث أصدار من RealPlayer

RealPlayer v11.0.1 Build 6.014.794


Helix Powered RealPlayer is the all-in-one digital media player that lets you find anything and play everything. This popular streaming-media player offers improved video controls and access to 3200 radio stations. RealPlayer also includes an option during setup to install the Real Toolbar for Internet Explorer. With RealPlayer you get an improved graphic equalizer and media services, including a radio tuner and an artist and music guide. Meanwhile, the Take 5 news service can offer you daily sports updates. A contextual video search helps you find interviews with your favorite artists. The RealPlayer music store lets you buy music files. Finally, you can use the software to transfer files to CDs and portable devices.

Features of RealPlayer

- Best video & audio quality ever
- Plays CDs, DVDs and all major file types.
- Integrated Music Store
- Harmony™ Technology – download music to 100+ secure portable devices
- Download selected songs for only 49¢ in RealPlayer
- Online Radio: Over 3200 stations worldwide & 60 ad-free stations for endless listening.
- Expanded Controls: Optimize sound with the 10-Band Graphic Equalizer and get the sharpest picture with advanced video controls.
- Advanced CD Burning: Rip, mix & burn CDs like a pro - fast! Encode MP3s at up to 320kbps.
- Play Everything: RealOne Player plays all major media formats including Quicktime MPEG-4, Windows Media, DVDs, & more.
- Easy, Fun & Intuitive: Browse the web, organize audio & video files, create playlists, & more!


21.5 MB
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