محمد الجزائري 22
مشرف بكلية العلومصقر كتاب العرب
------------------------------- السلام عليكم ------------------------------------
- كتاب " Einstein’s General Theory"
Description: The book introduces the general theory of relativity and includes applications to cosmology. The book contains a thorough introduction to tensor calculus and curved manifolds. After the necessary mathematical tools are introduced, we give a thorough presentation of the theory of relativity. Also, some advanced topics not previously covered by textbooks;
لتحميل الكتاب اضغط على هدا الموقع :
- كتاب " Einstein’s General Theory"
Publisher: Springer
Language: English
ISBN: 0387691995
Paperback: 540 pages
Data: May 2007
Format: PDF
Language: English
ISBN: 0387691995
Paperback: 540 pages
Data: May 2007
Format: PDF
Description: The book introduces the general theory of relativity and includes applications to cosmology. The book contains a thorough introduction to tensor calculus and curved manifolds. After the necessary mathematical tools are introduced, we give a thorough presentation of the theory of relativity. Also, some advanced topics not previously covered by textbooks;
لتحميل الكتاب اضغط على هدا الموقع :