High school chemistry books


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Chemistry book for student grade 11.
McGraw-Hill Ryerson Chemistry 11 is a dynamic new program researched and written for the Ontario Chemistry, Grade 11 University Preparation course. This highly visual resource will provide excellent concept development and numerous new hands-on investigations to allow students to explore how chemistry is used in the products and processes that affect our lives and the environment.


Chemistry book for student grade 12

McGraw-Hill Ryerson Chemistry 12 is a new resource written specifically for the Ontario Chemistry, Grade 12 University Preparation course. The student text provides clear, well developed explanations, effective visual support, and a variety of practice problems and activities designed to inspire a sense of competence within students on the threshold of university. The text enlivens the study of chemistry, by showcasing intriguing chemical technologies, careers, profiles of Canadian scientists, and STSE connections.



AS Chemistry (Instant Revision)
by Anthony Ellison
pass: tFASCHEM.rar
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