محمد الجزائري 22
مشرف بكلية العلومصقر كتاب العرب
السلام عليكم
The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference
A Programmer's Introduction to C#
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Programming PHP
Create Your Own Home Networks
Modern C++ Design
The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference
Nicolai M. Josuttis,«The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference»
Addison Wesley | ISBN 0201379260 | 3,30 Mb | 832 Pages | 1999 Year
Addison Wesley | ISBN 0201379260 | 3,30 Mb | 832 Pages | 1999 Year
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Download Linkhttp://rapidshare.com/files/65934119/C___Standard_Library__A_Tutorial_and_Reference.rar
Download Linkhttp://rapidshare.com/files/65934119/C___Standard_Library__A_Tutorial_and_Reference.rar
A Programmer's Introduction to C#
Eric Gunnerson,«A Programmer's Introduction to C#»
Apress | ISBN:1893115860 | PDF | 1,05 Mb | 358 Pages | 2000 Year
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Programming PHP
Rasmus Lerdorf,«Programming PHP»
O'Reilly | ISBN:1565926102 | CHM | 1,51 Mb | 524 Pages | 2002 Year
Create Your Own Home Networks
Eli Lazich,«Create Your Own Home Networks»
Sams | ISBN: 0672328321 | CHM | 3,50 Mb | 128 Pages | 2005 Year
Modern C++ Design
Andrei Alexandrescu,«Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied»
Addison-Wesley | ISBN 0201704315 | PDF | 1,24 Mb | 352 pages | 2001 Year
Addison-Wesley | ISBN 0201704315 | PDF | 1,24 Mb | 352 pages | 2001 Year