البرنامج باختصار تسطيع ان تضع بداخله معلومات كثيره عن اشخاص تريدهم,مثل استخدامه
من قبل شركات او انترنت موزع او ماشابه عن الزبائن ويمكن سبكه بعده كومبيوترات من خلال الشبكه ومميزات كثيره.....
Open Contacts is an address book with CRM features providing unified, flexible and intuitive interfaces for you to manage and lookup contact info of people and companies. People could be associated with companies to represent the relationship of ownership or employment etc.
Finding people in the same organization is easy with dynamic links between people and companies.
Open Contacts is very open to your needs of storing contact info of different kinds, since you meet different people with different levels of details. Open Contacts shows only info you inputted. You can seamlessly customize what can be stored in your address book. New ways of communication will be invented in the future, Open Contacts is flexible to such changes.
Essential Features:
Details are stored in sections of data fields that are dynamically customizable, with predefined sections of data fields.
Associate people with companies, and associate companies with departments or subsidiaries.
Categorize people contacts and company contacts in hierarchy trees.
Search contacts info through any data field.
Dynamic shortcuts to telephony, emailing or Web browsing.
Define predefined sections of data fields.
Import contact info in other formats, such as MS Outlook, XML, CSV and vCard.
Export contact info to text and XML.
Save and load different customized layouts of contact info.
The program is small and green enough to run on a memory stick.
Support multilingual features.
Native supports for concurrent access of multiple users in Local Area Network
حجم البرنامج 3.96 MB
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