بشرى ساره لطلاب الطب مع البرنامج emergimeddemo ادخل وشوف

ابو ابراهيم

مشرف كليه الطب
طاقم الإدارة

اعزائي في منتدى كتاب العرب
اقدم لكم هذا البرنامج الجديد والهام للجميع سواء كنتم اطباء او طلاب طب
لانه على الجميع يجب معرفه وتعلم كيف التعامل مع الحالات الطارئه وهذا
البرنامج سوف يشرح لكم بالصوت والصوره والكتابه خطوه بخطوه لجميع الحالات...
وهو عباره عن برنامج واحد مقسم كما يلي بعد التنزيل_
Cardiac Arrest


Cardiac Arrest

Cardiac Arrest! has 45 patients for resuscitation. There are pediatric
patients, easier patients, and real rack-your-brains patients with problems
like hyperkalemia, hypothermia, and tricyclic overdose. You see and
hear the resuscitation, watch the cardiac monitor, and order interventions.
ACLS becomes a challenging adventure game!

There are on-screen drug listings, on-screen protocol charts, on-line
manual, real-time ECG monitor, animated CPR, patient hints, and
much more. All in an easy-to-use ******s format. There's NOTHING else

like the Cardiac Arrest! simulator

The Chest Pain


The Chest Pain Simulator

The Chest Pain Simulator (DOS version titled Time is Myocardium)

lets you practice basic stabilization and workup of chest pain. The

program teaches therapeutic priorities and approach to safe workup.

Considering that chest pain is the number one cause of malpractice

suits against internists and emergency physicians, this program is

an excellent addition to your medical teaching software!

The program has 30 patients, with over 12 possible chest pain

diagnoses. Your workup is monitored for safety, appropriateness

and cost-effectiveness. For myocardial infarction patients, you're

expected to determine indications and contraindications to

Code Team


Code Team! is an excellent companion to Cardiac Arrest!, but can
be used on its own to learn ACLS. This program is used by many

paramedic training programs as required coursework. But it's not only

for those who need the basics. The quizzes and case scenarios are

perfect for the physician or experienced nurse who must "face ACLS

once again."

The program has three teaching tools: CardioQuiz, computer-assisted

learning of ACLS drugs, protocols, and procedures; EKG Teaching, a

rhythm-strip interpretation trainer; and ACLS Protocols, a scenario

simulator that walks you through the arrhythmia treatment algorithms
to test your knowledge.
Blood Gases


Blood Gases teaches some of the most difficult, yet important

material in medicine. This program succeeds where other teaching

methods fail. Not only does Blood Gases teach, but it will also interpret

acid-**** balance and lung function for you.

The program teaches Aa gradient calculation and interpretation,

acid-**** balance, respiratory physiology and anatomy, and acidosis

Trauma One


Trauma One! is a unique multiple-trauma management simulator.

It puts you through the stress and turmoil of the emergency department

workup and stabilization of big-time trauma -- teaching therapeutic

priorities, threshhold for action, and completeness of workup.

Trauma One! comes with twelve patients. You begin stabilization,

get history and exam information, order tests, and perform procedures.

Meanwhile, the computer is out to get you. It's looking for any weakness

or slipup in your approach, so it can make your patient crump. It's fun!



What are the criteria for left ventricular hypertrophy? Which leads
should always have upright T waves? What's the significance of Type

One versus Type Two second-degree AV block? What sort of infarction

occurs with occlusion of a dominant left circumflex coronary artery?

Even in these days of computer-interpreted ECGs, you need to know
what you're seeing on an ECG. Sometimes the computerized interpretation
is worthless; sometimes it's wrong!

MicroEKG is a great way to learn solid 12-lead ECG interpretation.

With tutorials, interpretation drills, and quizzes, you learn at your own

pace. This software can sharpen the ECG-reading skills of even the
best ICU and ER veterans!

حجم البرنامج11.3 MB

حمل البرنامج والكراك من المرفقات


  • جمعه كتاب العرب.txt
    295 بايت · المشاهدات: 973
والله شكله مره حلو بس انا عضو جديد انشاء الله اعمل الخمس مشاركات و أحمله على طووول
الله يجزاك خير أبو ليندا^_^
مشكووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووورررررررررررررر اخوي ابو لينداااااااااااااااااااااا و للامام ان شائ الله