Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry III
13Volume Set, Volume 1-13: From Fundamentals to Applications
By Robert Crabtree, Mike Mingos

Publisher: Elsevier Science
Number Of Pages: 9000
Publication Date: 2006-12-12
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 008044590X
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780080445908
200 ميجا
Book Description
Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry, 3rd Edition (COMC-III), is aimed at the specialist and non-specialist alike. It covers the major developments in the field in a carefully presented way with extensive cross-references. COMC-III provides a clear and comprehensive overview of developments since 1993 and attempts to predict trends in the field over the next ten years. Applications of organometallic chemistry continue to expand and this has been reflected by the significant increase in the number of volumes devoted to applications in COMC-III. Organic chemists have edited the volumes on organometallic chemistry towards organic synthesis - this is now organized by reaction type so as to be readily accessible to the organic community. Like its predecessors, COMC (1982) and COMC-II (1995), this new work is the essential reference text for any chemist or technologist who needs to use or apply organometallic compounds.
Also available online via ScienceDirect (2006) featuring extensive browsing, searching, and internal cross-referencing between articles in the work, plus dynamic linking to journal articles and abstract databases, making navigation flexible and easy. For more information, pricing options and availability visit www.info.sciencedirect.com.
* Presents a comprehensive overview of the major developments in the field since 1993 providing general and significant insights.
* Highlights the expansion of applications in organometallic chemistry with a strong organic synthesis focus.
* Provides a structured first point of entry to the key literature and background material for those planning research, teaching and writing about the area.

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